are any of you going to be doing vlogmas ? i was thinking so hard about it but honestly i dont do much lol i kinda do the same thing everyday, how do you guys celebrate Christmas? since i live in nyc me and my boyfriend go visit the big tree in Rockefeller center and get some nice hot chocolate lol
Hey friends, not been on here in a while, wow.

anyway i was wondering thoughts on Vlogmas? I've decided to go for it this year, its gonna be a lot of work/added stress but hopefully a lot of fun too.
Do you do vlogmas? or do you hate the amount of videos in your sub box come December first/second? :)
Hey everyone! I was wondering, besides "vlogmas", what are some interesting topics for the month of December. Vlogmas doesn't really interest me. I just want some help finding interesting topics. FYI my channel focuses on family, lifestyle and travel.