
  1. Camskiez


    I hope I can get some people laughing and make your day a little brighter. Thanks everyone
  2. Rolz

    Webcam for streaming?

    Hi guys what's a good webcam for streaming 1080p? I was looking at maybe picking up the Logitech c930 or 20...what do you think? Thank you :)
  3. Camskiez


    Hey everyone just released my newest video! Stream highlights episode 3! At the moment I'm keeping up with making a new video every week! That might not sound like a lot but I put 15+ hours of editing into each of my stream highlights so it does take a lot of time! I hope I can get some of you...
  4. ZakDTV

    YouTube TV

    Just heard about this. Youtubes answer to sling, Directtv, Hulu, and cable. Looks real good. Do yall think youtube can hang or is this going to fail? Check out Philip Defranco channel for the announcement
  5. PunchbowlGaming

    Anyone used the second camera feature on YouTube Live?

    Hey guys, I have been looking at the 'add camera' option in YouTube Gaming for quite a while now and with the launch of our community channel we are thinking of using it some time in the future. So I was wondering, has anyone used it before and if so how did it go? Also how does it look to...
  6. DearDarcy

    Whats your most embarrassing filming moment?

    So i thought i would start this thread because it could be interesting! :D Whats been your most embarrassing moment either when filming or meeting fans etc? Ill start off - when i was livestreaming Counterstrike (game with guns basically) i remember having a grenade thrown at me and i started...
  7. AliKat

    Which game should I play?? [ASAP]

    Just got an Elgato Capture card for my PS4, and I'm not sure which game to do an LP on. I need to record tonight as I won't have time over the next few days, so I really need help choosing as all the games are the same to me. The choices are Bloodborne Until Dawn The Last of Us Witcher III Dark...
  8. SkylentGames

    Nvidia Shadowplay Mic Quality is Trash Friends; Evidence.

    For those similar to me who are doing gaming videos, I just want to suggest you record your audio and video separately or use OBS with a high bit rate. Shadowplay is a great tool for recording footage and game audio, but not your voice at all. It is not professional level and only barely...
  9. Dizzy

    My Set-Up / Mic suggestions.

    Hey guys! I posted a video of my gaming/streaming/editing set up & would love to know what you think! Also, what kind of microphones are you using? I'm in the market for one. Let me know!! You can find me by searching "Jack Zustio" Thanks! <3
  10. BubbleJunk

    Only live gaming...

    I have this buddy on YT who does gaming videos, but due to his situation he can only do live streaming. Is there any advice I can pass on to help him gain viewers? I've told him a schedule would help so people know when to catch him. Is there anything else he can do?
  11. KiddieToysReview

    Anyone experimented with Live Streaming?

    If so, curious to hear your experiences. What would it take to do a live stream outside on the move? A phone with 4G, would that work? What about software, is there something to download or is it done through Google chrome? Thinking of setting up a weekly "live show" but have very little idea...
  12. KantoGaming

    Streaming on Twitch to help your channel?

    I was wondering what everyone's opinions are on streaming. Especially on twitch. Are there many of you who have YouTube channels and use twitch as a way to gain more followers and then advertise your channel? Or do you think twitch and YouTube should be two different things?
  13. FestusFX

    "Streaming" YouTube Vs Twitch

    Twitch is really well-known for streaming but you can also stream on your YouTube channel. But if I want to gain a few subs or something, what is the best place to stream ? Is twitch easier or YouTube ? If you have some good info plz tell me :)
  14. PunchbowlGaming

    Just Realised I past 30k views!

    Hey guys, I was looking at everyones milestones so thought I would check out my own view numbers and saw I just past 30k! This is awesome, hopefully I can keep the viewers coming!
  15. Klunk

    Gaming Friendo who wants to stream. (Diablo 3 and such)

    Hi, I'm looking for some people to stream with, games such as Diablo 3, divinity original sin ( long games like this, but basically everything in the future :p ). I have some requirements tho :p, these are: Be like at least 16 or so. Be kinda decent in the game ( (Diablo) cause i suck and will...
  16. Anthony Vernon

    THIS ISN'T GAMEPLAY (Boob Streamers) - What do you think of this video

  17. Shazzamboi

    Streaming vs edited videos -views

    Howdy y'all. What's your take on streaming gaming videos vs edited gaming vids? I used to stream on Twitch but i did a "test stream" on YT a while ago and got almost 600 views on that, but only 10-20 on twitch (at max!!!) so i recon YT is the place to stream? However i see all major YT'ers only...
  18. PointAndClickLP

    [BETA|Freeware] Twitch Autostreamer

    Twitch Autostreamer Description: The Twitch-Autostreamer gives you the opportunity, to stream your videos (for example past Streams, Let´s Plays) in sequence automatically in your Twitch-channel. For this you need a permanently running PC/Server with permanent internet connection. You have the...
  19. Deltoy

    Twitch Raiding, Swatting and Doxing gone too far?

    So alot of people in the past couple months of Twitch have been swatted. For example, kootra. My question is, is twitch safe? Because what I want to know is if any potential streamers would see this as a turnoff. Such as sending pizza to sending a SWAT Team to your door. It's pretty strange...
  20. FanoBelmont

    Gaming CoD: Black Ops III Weekend

    Hey guys! I am going to be binging on Black Ops III this weekend. My plan is to do some twitch streaming multiplayer and then edit that for a "best of" video for the first weekend of the game. Let me know if you wanna play together, I'd love to hang out and play with some youtubers that want to...
  21. SauceOne

    Stream Times + What Games I May Do During My Livestream

    All the information for my livestream coming up on October 31st will be in the following video: