New Member

The Twitch-Autostreamer gives you the opportunity, to stream your videos (for example past Streams, Let´s Plays) in sequence automatically in your Twitch-channel.
For this you need a permanently running PC/Server with permanent internet connection.
You have the possibility to render the video title, an image and a ticker automatically into the video stream.
The program plays the video files by using FFMPEG and streams it directly to your Twitch channel.
This tool will be continually updated, this is the first beta version.
For each video it is establishing a new connection to twitch(may occur a short buffer between the videos on Twitch)
All settings can be changed during streaming and will be applied when the next video starts.
More informations in the 'help' section on the tool.

Used programming language and IDE:
Visual Basic .NET / IDE VB 2010 Express
external required Software:
.NET Framework 4.0
Saving settings to 'AppData/Romaing'
File attatched to this thread.
On my Twitch-Channel the Tool is running permanent. It´s running on a VServer with Windows Server 2008 r2. Dort kann man sich das Ausgabeergebnis also mal anschauen.
Bugs, Questions, suggestions and more here in this Thread.