
  1. TalkFandomToMe

    Least favorite YouTube trends?

    I wanted to see what the YTtalk community thinks about YouTube trends. More specifically, the ones you guys really don't like. Thus, I made this thread. My least favorite trend: Meme Videos Memes are funny. But it's annoying to me to see people just getting a clip from the Bee Movie, making it...
  2. VRONA

    Should I Aim at Popular, High Competition Content or Less Popular, Low Competition Content?

    So I've been having some really strange view statistics. My most popular series, my Pokémon TCG opening videos has had a drop in views in my last two videos. They used to get this huge spike in views within the first 30 minutes, but this spike has been reduced to about 25% of what it used to be...
  3. VRONA

    Finally Made a Series That Does Well. What to do Next?

    A few months ago, I decided to record a video of me opening my very first pack of Pokémon cards and that video beat all my expectations. Within its first hour, it got like 30 views, which is insane. My videos get around 10 views in total, so seeing how many it got in just an hour was incredible...
  4. The Nerd Encounter

    Gaming Popular Social Media Page Wants to Add Streamers to its YT Gaming Schedule

    Hello YTTalk People, hope everyone is having a fantastic Wednesday! I'm from "The Nerd Encounter" we are a popular Facebook page with almost 22,000 FB Likes(21,900+ right now). A little about us. We as a company specialize in all areas of film/video/audio production! With high end...
  5. Ewan (Beatboxer)

    Dont just dream make the dream come true!!

    Do you think you work hard enough to become a popular youtuber? I do myself i put about 4 hours minimum on editing and you should always believe in yourself. Dont Just dream make the dream become true!
  6. Ewan (Beatboxer)

    Would you still create videos if you didnt get money from it but had loads of views?

    Many people do youtube for the money but other people do it for passion. I would happily make youtube videos without monitization because i love making videos to make people happy and also because i enjoy making them. What about everybody else??

    Gaming [PC]Looking for youtuber to collab

    I'm looking for Youtuber that is 12+ PC only. Requirements Minecraft GTA V,CsGo,black ops 2,arma3 left for dead 1,2 Skype: Age: Ign: Steam: I have 3300+ subscribers Channel:UCdLCjpdxjlv5lIaNQqWzaYQ
  8. Kieran Hedley Fitness

    Do You Need Supplements!?

  9. HyDraid

    Is there a way to know what popular is?

    I wonder if there is a way to know what popular is these days. At the moment is Pokémon Go really popular and everyone is making video's about it. But is there a site or something where you can see some popular topics or something ?
  10. Rita-Marie Hartford


    So, I am thinking about uploading a few more times than just once. What are the tricks that you all love to do? How do you plan your videos? I normally get a few ideas and run with it or whatever is popular. Also, any tips for uploading more than once a week? I wanna start uploading at...
  11. ImSlugs

    What have you all been really liking on YouTube lately?

    I'm curious to know whats been really popular with many of you here? It'd be nice to know so i can find new great content myself to enjoy and also maybe to try out myself lol, but also i want to conversate with the peoples LMAO OK cheers peeps
  12. M

    High Peaks and Low Dips In Views? HELP!

    So I have attached an image of my channel over the past few months. Since launching in early Feb. I got 1500-2500 views a day then one day it skyrocketed to 180k views and then went back down. It seemed like it was going to completely die out and then it jumped again 2 weeks ago, but even bigger...
  13. M

    Uploading Videos More Than Once a Day. Would You?

    He guys! So this has been discussed in forums over the years, but not in a similar context. Many people say to upload with less frequency and focus on quality. I wholeheartedly agree with this with one exception: kids videos. Kids are natural bingers. They don't get subscriber burn and can watch...
  14. thejoelwilliamsphere

    YOUTUBE REVIEW CHANNELS! Good or Bad for the community?

    Recently a few youtube review channels have come to my attention that have experienced an insane amount of growth - im talking 400,000 subs in 4 months! Some of these channels post a 2-5 videos a day, every single day of the week on popular trending topics so its no wonder they receive the...
  15. M

    How Long Until Video / Channel Blows Up? Very High Relative Audience Retention

    I know this is a complex question, but any data driven insight or experience would help. I have several videos that have an Above Average to High relative retention rate the entire video. It even hits the high line in places! They were just published over the weekend and have a few hundred...
  16. Blerim

    Why is my channel not growing fast ???

    Hi guys I would love to get your feedback and also if you are experiencing the same issue , that you are not growing fast enough. I would love to see what you think of my channel , I improve every new video that I make over that last one , and still not growing fast enough.
  17. JackyB

    Most popular categories asides gaming?

    What types of content do you think do well? Reviews, lists, etc
  18. Josh100LuBu

    What is your most viewed video and why?

    My most viewed video at this current time is close to 9,000, I believe a lot of these views came from people sharing the video on Facebook and Reddit etc. Whats your most viewed video and why?
  19. J

    If a Better Video Platform became Popular, would you Switch?

    Hello everyone, If another video platform, like YouTube, became more popular, would you completely switch to that? Try and do both or stick to your roots (Youtube)? I promised myself that if another popular platform rises into the spotlight, that I would definitely post content on that...
  20. Ohgoditskeith

    Random Pop Covers - Sam Smith- Jessie J

    HERES SOME RANDOM POP COVERS !!! Pls chk it out quick and leave some feedback :redface:
  21. J

    How to ACTUALLY accomplish your New Year's Resolutions!

    Let me know if this simple tutorial helped you out!
  22. J

    Been making videos for a Month! How am I doing?

    I have officially been making videos for about 5 weeks. I have put up 6 videos, and gained 20 subscribers. I would love to know what people think about my channel and if how I'm growing is normal, and what I can do to grow more! I currently have 2 shows that I am running on my channel. My...
  23. Ohgoditskeith

    10 reasons why School SUCKS

    We all know school SUCKSS!! Here's 10 reasons why :unsure:;)
  24. Ohgoditskeith

    Christmas Haul and My Ghetto Sweatpants

    Hey guys !! Hope you all had an amazing Christmas/holiday/break :) Anyways, here's a video of what I got for Christmas including the COOLEST sweatpants I've ever seen, and a "cards" shirt ;) Hope you enjoy
  25. Slowlist

    Commentary Discuss Current Events on Our Show!

    We are starting a videocast / podcast where we discuss currents event, including, pop culture, politics, education, news, and other random fun topics. We'll meet via the interwebs once a week and produce 3 episodes. No age limit, but must be knowledgeable on current events (you will be told...
  26. Ohgoditskeith

    Christmas Haul and My Ghetto Sweatpants

    Hey guys !!!:wavespin: Hope you all had an amazing Christmas / break/ holiday so far !! Here's a haul of different awesome clothes that I got like a "card" shirt and the WORLDS COOLEST SWEATPANTS --- (and in the end of the video I do a runway thang) :)Tell me what you think :)
  27. J

    How to act like a Normal 21 Year Old:

  28. J

    How many Subscribers defines a BIG Youtuber?

    Everyone has different labels for different 'sizes' of channels, but I wanted to know what everyone would consider a 'big Youtuber? I think for most of us, a bigger Youtuber could be as much as 1000 subscribers or more, but when do you actually start to refer to a Youtuber as big? Let me know...
  29. Ohgoditskeith

    12 Year Old Me Tormenting My Dog

    Hey Guys!! I'm Keith and started my channel about 1 month ago ! :smileysmile: Anyways, I was going through my camera roll and found a video of me and my mom (that's right eff English), and we attached fishing line to a ruler and then attached a dog treat to that and confused the hell out...
  30. J

    Over 200 Channel Views! lol

    I reached 200 channel views! I know this isn't a lot, but considering I just started and only have 4 videos on my channel, I'm very proud of this. I've also gotten really great feedback and people have really liked my comedic style. Doing Youtube consistently has been really great for me, and I...