I started making videos because it was fun! All my favourite youtubers talked about how much they love doing it so I thought I would try it out. I understand that they are also doing it essentially as a job but for me it's just a hobby right now. My first few videos were not the greatest to be sure and I was still learning all the ropes of copyrights, terms of use and all that stuff. Now about 6 months later, I am still learning but still having fun making videos, albeit not as often as I would hope to.
I never started making videos with the intention of making it big or trying to make money off of it although I know if I had a few more views and subscribers I would feel very accomplished.
I just wanted to show people my weird sense of humor and just make myself laugh along the way, which there have been many moments already.
I hope to continue to make videos for a while regardless if I have a million subscribers or the 3 I currently have!