Hmm... I watch a few Youtubers, but I would say that the main ones I frequent are the likes of Markiplier and Jacksepticeye. I do general searches to try and find upcoming YTers, then I can show Support!
My favorite youtubers is animatedjames i admire his animation style although its nit consider the most beautiful of animation he try his best to improve his skills as a animator and i admire also he dealing i deal with in the past he is pretty much the older me.
My favorite YouTubers are EposVox, TImpersDesigns, SeaNanners Gaming Channel, VanossGaming, Steven Van, BBKDRAGOON, PewDiePie, and Ziovo.
I like Documentary Channels two i'v found interesting are

The Hot 8's Countdown & Documentaries


Facts At Your Fingertips

not many subscribers but worth a look I subscribed anyway
anyone else know of good documentary channels or countdown channels
Currently I am loving ZumaArcade, who's a British gamer that's done three 'seasons' of vids playing The Forest, an open world survival game, and I'm completely addicted. He's got a top Northern accent, and is really fun and engaging, and one ep is the perfect length for my coffee breaks.