No fat jokes huh? You're too skinny!!! EAT SOMETHING!!! har har har
Ummm.... hmmm.... uhhhh... I don't know how to explain how i feel about this video. You have the kind of likeablity that some people are just gonna latch onto, and others won't. Your jokes in all honesty, are kinda cheesy, it's not a stylish hip kind of comedy, it's a more silly goofy kind, but not like my videos are goofy, I go extremely over the top and outlandish, you seem like a reserved guy who's pushing himself out of his comfort zone to do comedy. Am I saying it's not funny? no. Thanking your views from different countries was cute, but that's the word I would use to describe this, it's cute.
There are people in this world who will love that factor, they will find you to be humble, not too outlandish, not too out there, you have an honesty in what you do that is endearing. However I don't think your material is the kind of material that would go viral or get the response you may be looking for. By and large most people are looking for a different style of humor, this reminds me alot of the kind of humor you would see in the 80's or 70's, comedy has taken a huge turn since then. But that is why your fans will be very loyal fans. This may not become an overnight sensation, and you may never reach the status of some of the big name youtube comedians, but you will be a breath of fresh air to the people who enjoy this type of humor and have been wishing more people would do it.
I really don't have any suggestions for how to improve, I wish I did, but I see no need for you to change what you're doing. It's just you. It's what you do, you've got a unique personality and a unique take on humor, it's not really better or worse than anything else, just different. I think you should just keep plugging along, and enjoy the attention you get, don't mind the haters, I can foresee alot of people saying disrespectful things because this isn't the "cool comedy" they are used to, but that's just people being closed minded. For those of us who see the quality you have, and understand your appeal, you give us just what we want to see.