I could use brutal feedback.
I don't even know where to begin. This is a hard video to "brutally" critique... For one, your ages. How am I supposed to review this like I would an adult's videos when you are all so young and can't be judged by the same standards? Plus I don't know your intentions, I look at most of these channels like they want to "make it on youtube" and make money so I give reviews coming from the angle of whether or not this would help them achieve this goal or not. You guys just look like kids having fun and being silly. With that said, I rather enjoyed this video.
Ok the prairie dog prairie song may have gone on too long, and it's hard to understand the lyrics which I'm sure are comical like the rest of the video. This may get people to turn off the video before it's even begun. There is an "amateur" quality to this video, but at the same time some surprisingly well done editing at the same time. I love the voice you gave the asian "british" kid lol. Why he's both asian AND british? We will never know...
Look I can't pick this apart and scrutinize every last detail of it, your jokes are what you'd expect from kids your age, they are random, not always sensical, and sometimes could use polishing, but whaddya expect? What you have going for you is you look like you had a blast making the video, you have the "cute" factor going for you, and you actually do have some real skill in editing and splicing up your videos. Some of the jokes and the voices you use are down right funny.
The video has it's moments that are just kind of there, they don't really impact they don't really leave you upset you watched the video, but it has it's moments that are either cute, or so random they made me giggle. You have a charm about your ideas and videos, and some of it works and some of it doesn't, but I doubt anyone's gonna rip you to shreds for the parts that don't work because come on, you're just kids having fun.
So all in all I'd say great job, keep doing your thing, and I look forward to seeing more from you.