Symphonious7's BRUTAL Reviews

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Ok, first off, I have to agree with you about Newcastle. Waaaaay too much flavor in that beer, it's sooo heavy, and if you're planning on drinking alot of it? Prepare for a tummy ache. With that said, on to the review!

Once again, there are a few angles to bring up about this video. I will say right off the bat, for what you are trying to accomplish, you succeed. You are obviously not trying to be a joker, you're not trying to be some outlandish internet personality, you are simply trying to give good reviews of a product you are passionate about, and in the context of your intentions, you pass. The ONLY criticism that would be a hindrance to those intentions is the edit you did in the middle where one scene bleeds into another, it was edited strangely and confusing to the viewer. Other than that, your goals have been met, you told me most everything I could need to know about this beer, mission accomplished.

The only thing to think about is that you have niched yourself with these kinds of videos. This is not a bad thing, it is a difficulty you have two ways to work around if you want to grow to having a very large sub base. The way I see it you have two options. Your first option is for you to leave the videos as is, and find your market. I don't know how to do this, but because there is very little entertainment quality to these videos, just like with Michael's video, the only people who will be interested are people who share your passion for beer and are "connosiuers (I have no idea how to spell that word)" of it. I know they are out there, you'd have an easier time finding them if you reviewed wine in my opinion. Wine is a beverage that more people who drink it are interested in the intricate details of it's make up and taste and quality. Many people who drink beer drink beer to feel good and kick back, and aren't worried about the suttleties, but people who are are out there, and if you can find them they will love your videos.

Your other option is to spice it up. There is a PBS quality to these videos, very informative, but not very eye catching or entertaining for the person who's just looking for something to kill time and make them feel good. Some ways you could do this is by making the short 2-3 min review, then if you have some buddies you have some fun banter with, film you all drinking the beer and cutting up. Maybe throw some of the most funny/entertaining parts at the beginning to get people to watch through the review. You could try adding some comedic elements of your own, but only you know if you have what it takes to do comedy, not everyone has that personality type. You could also do cutaways to other videos to help with the humorous side if you have a hard time thinking of things, but this of course will ruin your chances of monetization if you use copyrighted material, or will be a pain in the a** if you spend the time necessary to find material you can use. But the concept is you say "This beer didn't really float my boat" Then show a video of something choking on the cinnamon channel for a few seconds, then cut back to you, things of this nature.

So it's all how you want to look at it. You can try to add some comedy and pizazz to WIDEN your audience, or you can put your effort into FINDING your audience instead. These are the two best bets I see for growing a channel with videos like these.

Wow, a lot of good stuff in here. I really do agree with 100% of what you wrote and I'm not just saying that. Well thought out review and for that I really do appreciate it. You've given me a lot to think about.

Right now, I'm actually thinking about implementing a "Pop Up Video"(vh1) theme to my videos.
Wow, a lot of good stuff in here. I really do agree with 100% of what you wrote and I'm not just saying that. Well thought out review and for that I really do appreciate it. You've given me a lot to think about.

Right now, I'm actually thinking about implementing a "Pop Up Video"(vh1) theme to my videos.
Nice! That could be really cool! Look forward to seeing what you come up with man!
Symphonius7, Lay it on us Kimosabe. We're working hard to gain an audience, with some exciting new videos in post production we want to have paved the road for audience retention. You can be as thorough as you please in your review of our channel-- we won't have our feelings hurt in this process. Loads to learn, and every day that proves that is one well spent.
I'm probably going to continue these reviews monday. Tomorrow I'm uploading my new music vid and that will have my mind consumed even after it's up. I need to be open minded when I review, anyway, will do soon.
I'm probably going to continue these reviews monday. Tomorrow I'm uploading my new music vid and that will have my mind consumed even after it's up. I need to be open minded when I review, anyway, will do soon.
Take your time, we don't think this video will break the 100,000 views in the next 12 hours-- so there's no urgency on this one. Thanks for the insight.
Hey Symph, I got my new video up, I'd love for you to review it if you can!
Ok, here we go Kat.

The song: GORGEOUS. Brilliantly put together, just absolutely fantastic. Your voice is real and believable and touching, the message is true and thought provoking. I wasn't too keen on the line "and so it goes where you don't want it to go" I think it was a little straight forward for how poetic the song sounds. Outside of that I found the song to be flawless. I don't know what more to say it was a grand slam.

The video: A step up for you in alot of ways. You were able to go out into the world, and you blended scenery with your lip syncing, which I thought worked really well. What I didn't like was some of your facial expressions when you were folding clothes and staring off into space, I've noticed this in alot of your videos. I don't always believe the look you give the camera. But on the flip side sometimes I do. The scenes where you were in the car I found to come across much more genuine. Could you perhaps be too aware of the camera? I dunno.

You're always saying your videos are "amateur". But Katherine, you are a woman who has no drivers license, doesn't have the funds to get professional help, never claimed to be a "film maker" and is just doing the best she can with what she has. You aren't going to be able to pull off professional looking videos. So yes there is an amateur quality to these videos, but for what you are working with you do fine. I don't know if it's my perception, or something you're doing, I just know some of the lip syncing parts the facial expressions don't seem to match the emotion of the song to me. This is what some will call "cheesy".

But even if I wasn't your bff on the internet and talking to you on a daily basis and just saw this out of nowhere, I would sub you in a heartbeat and be blown away by the talent you have. Your videos don't necessarily do the songs justice, but neither do my videos. We aren't film makers, we're musicians making videos. So for what it is, and for what you're working with, you did a fantastic job. Perhaps you could start singing to yourself in the mirror and watching your face to try to figure out how to get the emotion on it to look more genuine? Or maybe it's just me and it's not actually a problem.

I'm gonna rate this video, I give it 8/10
Ok, here we go Kat.

The song: GORGEOUS. Brilliantly put together, just absolutely fantastic. Your voice is real and believable and touching, the message is true and thought provoking. I wasn't too keen on the line "and so it goes where you don't want it to go" I think it was a little straight forward for how poetic the song sounds. Outside of that I found the song to be flawless. I don't know what more to say it was a grand slam.

The video: A step up for you in alot of ways. You were able to go out into the world, and you blended scenery with your lip syncing, which I thought worked really well. What I didn't like was some of your facial expressions when you were folding clothes and staring off into space, I've noticed this in alot of your videos. I don't always believe the look you give the camera. But on the flip side sometimes I do. The scenes where you were in the car I found to come across much more genuine. Could you perhaps be too aware of the camera? I dunno.

You're always saying your videos are "amateur". But Katherine, you are a woman who has no drivers license, doesn't have the funds to get professional help, never claimed to be a "film maker" and is just doing the best she can with what she has. You aren't going to be able to pull off professional looking videos. So yes there is an amateur quality to these videos, but for what you are working with you do fine. I don't know if it's my perception, or something you're doing, I just know some of the lip syncing parts the facial expressions don't seem to match the emotion of the song to me. This is what some will call "cheesy".

But even if I wasn't your bff on the internet and talking to you on a daily basis and just saw this out of nowhere, I would sub you in a heartbeat and be blown away by the talent you have. Your videos don't necessarily do the songs justice, but neither do my videos. We aren't film makers, we're musicians making videos. So for what it is, and for what you're working with, you did a fantastic job. Perhaps you could start singing to yourself in the mirror and watching your face to try to figure out how to get the emotion on it to look more genuine? Or maybe it's just me and it's not actually a problem.

I'm gonna rate this video, I give it 8/10

Awwwwwwww, Symph! First off, thanks for reviewing it :) I totally respect and value your opinion!! And, thank you for the kind compliments on the actual song its' self..I'm super happy that you like the song!! I'm glad that you got the message, and can't believe you called if flawless! Wow, thanks! Yes, you hit on some good points there, I will definetly maybe try and look more into the I do tend to stare off into space in the some of the shots. I noticed I don't really smile in my I definetly need to try that thing I realised I didn't do in this video was just STOP the camera on the, in my next outdoor video, I will make sure there are more still shots. I found I was really rushed when doing this video though because I had the three kids in the van with me hahaha and they get anxious when sitting in the van too long! "we aren't film makers, we're musicians making videos'...yes, that's're very insightful! And you rock :P!
Awwwwwwww, Symph! First off, thanks for reviewing it :) I totally respect and value your opinion!! And, thank you for the kind compliments on the actual song its' self..I'm super happy that you like the song!! I'm glad that you got the message, and can't believe you called if flawless! Wow, thanks! Yes, you hit on some good points there, I will definetly maybe try and look more into the I do tend to stare off into space in the some of the shots. I noticed I don't really smile in my I definetly need to try that thing I realised I didn't do in this video was just STOP the camera on the, in my next outdoor video, I will make sure there are more still shots. I found I was really rushed when doing this video though because I had the three kids in the van with me hahaha and they get anxious when sitting in the van too long! "we aren't film makers, we're musicians making videos'...yes, that's're very insightful! And you rock :p!
You managed to do that with kids in the car??? Pffft... you are a hero.
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