Setting up to launch a adword campaign - and consulting?

You can target both specific videos and/or channels. There's a tab (called Where ads are shown) that shows exactly which videos your ads are next to when clicked and they seem to all show up where I set the targets.

This is so so cool! I never knew this![DOUBLEPOST=1501107922,1501106262][/DOUBLEPOST]
I've been lucky and targeting all the top kids channels and getting $0.01 ads through with countries like Canada, US, UK, ...etc... for a while now. When I started back in June, however, YouTube wouldn't give me those same placements for $0.01. More like $0.02 and $0.03. So either there's a lot more demand from YT for ads now or they think my ads are worth slotting in at $0.01 because of their good performance (just a wild and likely wrong guess). I wonder if one's ad performance has anything to do with YT being more generous with the lower bidding.

Also, I just checked and I seem to be getting charged in CAD currency (1005 clicks = CAD $10.05) so with the exchange rate, I'm only paying about USD $0.008/click. Always figured I was getting charged in USD. I might have to up my daily limit to take advantage of this now.

Lastly, I haven't set my campaign to accelerated and by 10am, almost 3/4 of my daily budget has been spent so not sure how to fix this so that it trickles consistently throughout the day.

When I add an ad for a new video my budget is gone within an hour, but the next day it seems to trickle steadily for that same video..
I love this thread.

Our channel is really all about our little boy, but that really means there hasn't been one niche topic. We've done lots of different types of videos instead of sticking with just one thing.

I recently took about a 6 month long YouTube break. Husband and myself both got new jobs, we moved, I was worried that we were spoiling Bennett with way too many toys, and we weren't having the growth I felt we should have. I'm back now (Bennett and I both really missed making videos), but I had already decided to focus more on one thing before I read this thread. It's nice to have that verified as a good idea :)

We're going to be focusing more on playgrounds. I'll post a few other things too because the main focus of the channel is still just Bennett. But I think now, after reading all this, that if 90-95% of what we post is playground videos that will help the algorithm understand our focus.

I had also thought about doing an ad campaign, but now I'm thinking maybe not. It sounds like it's not actually all that helpful. Good to know.

I had the same worry about the kids getting too many toys. Initially when I started I was just using the toys we had, we had quite a few. Then I started buying toys that I know the kids can use but I can use on videos. I usually hide the new toys and then when I am done I bring it up to them and I also cycle toys so they don't get bored. But as I was planning for future videos this was one of my worries that the kids will be getting too many toys and I didn't want them to think it was normal to get a set of new toys every week. Now that I am going to focus on certain keywords that is going to be less of a problem but I still worry about that. Everytime we get an amazon box the boys get so excited.[DOUBLEPOST=1501118785,1501118639][/DOUBLEPOST]
Personally, I think when it comes to kid videos it's actually better to have about equal likes to dislikes because it means your traffic is more organic, and not just other channels trying to do sub for sub. (Full disclosure: I have been pulled into the sub for sub vortex from time to time :))

Also another indication that you have organic views are comments that don't make any sense. When you see videos with lots of views you see comments that are all symbols or jumbled up letters, that when you know the kids have been leaning on the screen and "commenting" by mistake. LOL. We still are not there yet, I don't think we have any organic views. We'll get there, hopefully![DOUBLEPOST=1501118855][/DOUBLEPOST]
On the advice of those with kids channel experience who've shared their wealth of knowledge on here, I've decided to not include keywords in my video targeting because kids in my target demographic don't "search". They just click whatever's suggested or recommended.

I think this makes a lot of sense and is the best approach. When I am ready I will do just this.
Well this has certainly been a very informative thread! I've got a question for everyone running ad campaigns. What kind of video are you selecting to promote? Your best video ever? Channel trailer? Playlist? Newest video? I'm starting to consider Youtube's adwords.
If you are targeting big channels, most of the time they use very general kws like "toys" "kids", etc.

I think it's the price increase during summer. Should drop back to 1 cent soon. The concern about third world countries, is if you do get views and subs from there, the CPM is much lower than the US. But of course it's better than nothing. Have you tried to increment the price increase - I can still get ads served at about 1.25 cents/view in the US.
Well this has certainly been a very informative thread! I've got a question for everyone running ad campaigns. What kind of video are you selecting to promote? Your best video ever? Channel trailer? Playlist? Newest video? I'm starting to consider Youtube's adwords.

New video
Well this has certainly been a very informative thread! I've got a question for everyone running ad campaigns. What kind of video are you selecting to promote? Your best video ever? Channel trailer? Playlist? Newest video? I'm starting to consider Youtube's adwords.

I do a mix of newest video and the first episode in my main playlist. I figure if they like that first video, they might keep going and watch more episodes. Our videos don't follow any trends (yet!) so we don't have to worry about a video's content being outdated. YouTube, on the other hand, doesn't like old videos, which is unfortunate given the content we produce. Nevertheless, I will persist with my strategy for the time being and enjoy creating our toddler talk show videos.
That's right.

Video Targeting > + Placement > Search for Placements

Then type in the name of the channel, add it to the list and Save. Voila.
I was try to target 3 channels yestoday in my ads with 0.01 price tag for placement in recommended. Did not work in my case and pricing I willing to pay for it was to low . So I will stick with my original plan of action for now. I will test it later again.
In the meantime, one of the leading toy channels has started to offer consulting.The price is kind of steep ($150 for 15 minutes - or maybe this is standard) but I can easily spend that much purchasing new toys.
Yes, that price looks ridiculously high, but it will be dedicated to your niche. Socialblade's Premium YouTube Consultation is 198$ for 60 minutes, but they will offer you non niche specific advice, which can be applied to any channel.
AdWords has direct phone and you can call them for consultation.
Yes, that price looks ridiculously high, but it will be dedicated to your niche. Socialblade's Premium YouTube Consultation is 198$ for 60 minutes, but they will offer you non niche specific advice, which can be applied to any channel.
AdWords has direct phone and you can call them for consultation.

For non niche specific advice I can watch DE on YouTube for free and spend $198 bucks on AdWords IMHO
I was try to target 3 channels yestoday in my ads with 0.01 price tag for placement in recommended. Did not work in my case and pricing I willing to pay for it was to low . So I will stick with my original plan of action for now. I will test it later again.

I'm learning more about Adwords thanks to this site. Does this mean other people's videos/ads outbid you for those targeted placements?
Is it possible to see what the highest bid is to get a gauge of what clicks are worth on different channels/videos?

Say my small channel can win bids to get videos to appear in the ad slot above the suggested column on a top channel. If click through rates are good, is it possible to later on get organic suggestions on the same channel? Or is that only reserved for other top channels.