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okay so basically its the cool banner and thumbnail or is it the money.. ? which I dont know if those partner networks are truly aware of the motivations behind it or maybe they are but seems like a hell of a lot of fuss. I am not talking down I asked a question. I think networks are killing youtube by the way its being torn to shreds by the partner grab. Its making it hard for those just wanting to do their thing to well do their thing and partnerships are getting far to much attention in fact I think the bulk of posters are obscessed with it and i want to know why. So feel free to interpret my question as you please. I think people get all worked up over 50 cents and a banner for nothing meanwhile a lot will do literally anything to get their including steal content lol.

For some people it's for the banner and money...and for other's it for the fun of making videos and opportunity of growing their channel while doing something they love. Partnership or not great video's and content at times get buried under the thousands of video's that pour into YouTube every minute. People who want to "do their thing just to well do their thing" can do "their thing" while being a partnered or not. Networks have been around for a while right?...YouTube didn't die then, did it? Can you explain to me what's going on differently now that I'm not aware of..? Also, 50 cents and a banner? There are people making thousands off of I said before... opportunity. If you have a chance to do something that can benefit your life in a positive way, hopefully you would go for it. Anyways... I WILL definitely agree though that some people are a bit obsessed with becoming a partner and their head can be in the wrong place when it comes to youtube in general...
If you have a chance to do something that can benefit your life in a positive way, hopefully you would go for it. Anyways... I WILL definitely agree though that some people are a bit obsessed with becoming a partner and their head can be in the wrong place when it comes to youtube in general...

It is driving me nuts you know a great many questions are motivated with making money or getting partnerships fastest way to get views hits whatever . Instead of doing it for well the creativity behind it. The reality is people aren't worried about making good video they are more worried about becoming a partner who the heck cares about their content. I am not speaking of you lol for a few reasons your content is very good. You work at it and your young. However that is not what the bulk of people do. They come to youtube with no clue what they are doing pick a popular category .. wait what? first problem right there. Start asking about how to get partner .. okay another problem. and then they start to game the system third problem. Then they return and say OO look I am a partner.. yes okay well I hate to say it if you game the system and beef up subs and views ITS EASY to become a partner. I have to say with a very few rare exceptions I am apalled at who becomes one and how they got there. Sorry but that is my take on it. There are very few truly good channels who become partners. In conclusion and this is going to hurt but it appears that networks are thriving on rewarding mediocrity. Its not always the case but in about 90% of the cases its exactly what is happening. Hence my question behind the motivations. :)
The reality is people aren't worried about making good video they are more worried about becoming a partner who the heck cares about their content. They come to youtube with no clue what they are doing pick a popular category .. wait what? first problem right there. Start asking about how to get partner .. okay another problem. and then they start to game the system third problem. Then they return and say OO look I am a partner.. yes okay well I hate to say it if you game the system and beef up subs and views ITS EASY to become a partner. I have to say with a very few rare exceptions I am apalled at who becomes one and how they got there. Sorry but that is my take on it. There are very few truly good channels who become partners. In conclusion and this is going to hurt but it appears that networks are thriving on rewarding mediochrity. Its not always the case but in about 90% of the cases its exactly what is happening. Hence my question behind the motivations. :)

...Wow. You're very right...I guess I came into this because I am trying to defend the little group of people who become a partner and do video's for the actual fun and creative drive behind it. But now I see where your real worry is...and that is the MAJORITY of people who are doing this for the wrong reasons and basically ruining YouTube. Lol now I understand. xD I took it as...all partners are messing up youtube and they are all in it for the wrong reasons and it's not a big deal and...yada yada
...Wow. You're very right...I guess I came into this because I am trying to defend the little group of people who become a partner and do video's for the actual fun and creative drive behind it. But now I see where your real worry is...and that is the MAJORITY of people who are doing this for the wrong reasons and basically ruining YouTube. Lol now I understand. xD I took it as...all partners are messing up youtube and they are all in it for the wrong reasons and it's not a big deal and...yada yada
I think you need to take a survey of all the networks and add up the actual number of youtube partners its massive. If you look at active youtubers ACTIVE ones not dead accounts or people who surf it I think you will be shocked. In any event it would have been nicer for you to answer intelligently instead of I dont know what you just said. I dare you to try to look at it using math and come back and tell me who the minority truly is :)
In any event it would have been nicer for you to answer intelligently instead of I dont know what you just said. I dare you to try to look at it using math and come back and tell me who the minority truly is :)

Lol, now that was uncalled for and rude Urban. I just agreed with you about what you said and just had a fun talk with you. So saying what I said wasn't intelligent is I didn't expect you to say something like that after having this conversation with you. Honestly you are a very nice person and also very intelligent and wise as well but you at times come off as disrespectful. Maybe I'm interpreting what you just said wrong but the way you worded that doesn't seem positive at all..
Lol, now that was uncalled for and rude Urban. I just agreed with you about what you said and just had a fun talk with you. So saying what I said wasn't intelligent is I didn't expect you to say something like that after having this conversation with you. Honestly you are a very nice person and also very intelligent and wise as well but you at times come off as disrespectful. Maybe I'm interpreting what you just said wrong but the way you worded that doesn't seem positive at all..
Try not to flame people then because that is exactly what you did. Your interpeting it as someone who is offended all the time telling me not to be offended. I am stating what I see and its what is. People come here and stop and want to monitize and partner. They drop in for a few weeks make a few videos game the system massively and then apply to become a partner. Why? your the one who told me TO EARN MONEY. oh and a thumbnail and fancy banner. Are the bulk of people who I have seen partnered lately really that good? No I have seen two who delivered quality content. So I am sorry I have not jumped on the network bandwagon but the reality is what is going on now is a cash grab and nothing more. It will because of the way its being managed and dealt with implode on itself by the way when google looks at theirs stats in a year. Empty views, ads not converting. Then what? So please dont look at this as an attack because its not. This community reflects what the majority of ACTIVE youtubers are on youtube for. This IS the only youtube community aside from the official google forums. You tell me what you see? because the stats speak for themselves.

I also think you need to read what your saying and then talk about respect because I am being serious your the one flaming

...Wow. You're very right...I guess I came into this because I am trying to defend the little group of people who become a partner and do video's for the actual fun and creative drive behind it. But now I see where your real worry is...and that is the MAJORITY of people who are doing this for the wrong reasons and basically ruining YouTube. Lol now I understand. xD I took it as...all partners are messing up youtube and they are all in it for the wrong reasons and it's not a big deal and...yada yada

I am making valid statements about a serious situation. I have watched this forum long enough to know the driving motivation behind the majority of posters. Please dont talk to me about respect when replying like you did above

Try not to flame people then because that is exactly what you did. Your interpeting it as someone who is offended all the time telling me not to be offended. I am stating what I see and its what is. People come here and stop and want to monitize and partner. They drop in for a few weeks make a few videos game the system massively and then apply to become a partner. Why? your the one who told me TO EARN MONEY. oh and a thumbnail and fancy banner. Are the bulk of people who I have seen partnered lately really that good? No I have seen two who delivered quality content. So I am sorry I have not jumped on the network bandwagon but the reality is what is going on now is a cash grab and nothing more. It will because of the way its being managed and dealt with implode on itself by the way when google looks at theirs stats in a year. Empty views, ads not converting. Then what? So please dont look at this as an attack because its not. This community reflects what the majority of ACTIVE youtubers are on youtube for. This IS the only youtube community aside from the official google forums. You tell me what you see? because the stats speak for themselves.

You made what ever point you are trying to make. I apologize for "flaming" you or basically stating my opinion that didn't agree with yours. You have made valid points and I thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. With that said, I do not wish to engage any further in this conversation with you because from this point it does not seem like it's going anywhere and I do not wish to be insulted by you like you did a few minutes ago.
alright, so I don't intend on continuing this conversation but i am intrigued by the point urban brought up.

so what I got out of your posts is that most youtubers who become partnered do so for money and do so in the way that requires the least amount of creative talent said that you only knew a couple recent partnerings that for you had quality substance....and therefore the only ones who deserved it maybe? not sure if you were going that far with it. anyway, for me this begs the question of: are there a lot more quality youtube channels that are self-motivated to preserve the quality of their content out there that AREN'T being partnered? if so than I see where you are coming from. one can only speculate why this might happen. logic would dictate that the better the quality the easier to become a partner. if the natural results are not coming, some possible explanations could be:

the networks are sticking to what works, don't want to take risks on new concepts for a channel.
people good at making videos maybe not as good at marketing themselves?
recruiters of said networks simply don't consider other types of videos as quality, this isn't meant as saying your view of quality is wrong, just that people in general will have different perceptions of this. it makes sense that a network will have a given preference and will recruit people based on said preferences. the channels they partner are likely to have a smaller amount of diversity than the youtube general public because the judges of quality are always the same.

there are these possibilities as well as other reasonable explanations that I haven't come up with off the top of my head. I'm willing to believe these over any idea of malicious intent. however, if it is the case that the system is losing some undiscovered talent, than these explanation indeed do not make the situation okay. however, if we want this to change we are the only ones who can do so. whether you have faith in the priorities of the networks or not, the goals and intents of there activities will always be viewed by them as their best option. this means they wont change them unless THEY decide that's they have found something better than what they had before. therefore we can't sit back and rely on the networks to do better. this is a change that must be caused by those who already want it.

the other scenario is that there are not quality youtube channels out that are not being partnered (for the most part) but the quality channels are still underrepresented among those that ARE partnered. if thisd is the case, this is simply a matter of partnering people in addition to the quality channels.there are once again multiple reasons why this could be happening and in this scenario it can even be debated whether it's a good thing or not or even matters since those who do make quality channels are still being served. I do not have an answer for this the pros and cons of this issue i suspect could warrant their own discussion. once again however, if we simply need more quality, it's up to us to create it and instill the motivation of others to create it as well. it's our responsibility to stimulate the creative culture than can flourish on youtube.

now despite either of these scenarios and explanations I understand that the problem still remains that there are users who do not use youtube to its full potential based on their priorities and in turn make it more difficult for others to see that full potential in the first place. the simplist way to beat this is to ignore it. if we keep dedicated to the vision that we know youtube can be, than that will gets others excited. why? because it's an exciting thing.through our efforts to create our content, we can spark the motivation to do the same in others.

so what my long winded self is trying to get at is that I don't know what the nature of how you perceive this problem is, but the basic ingredient to make any of those problem become alleviated is to take action.
lol thanks for not being offended.

I started looking around a week or so ago. I started adding things up in my head as I continued. So I will try to type it quicky I cant sleep getting older middle age horrible insomnia anyhow its like this. I know that the largest motivation for partnering is well to make money this much is obvious. There are some other issues like if your not partnered your content must suck which is there even if no one wants to voice it.

I started using youtube for making video that was not just captures of things quickly about two years ago now and I have watched the changes. This is math simple math. In california alone there are a lot of partners. The average wage or target wage has already been pointed out 20k per year USD. This forum has 1k users about and its a pretty accurate cross section of the userbase of youtube. I would say a good 90% are present on youtube first to make money and second to produce good content which is the total opposite of why I am here. I have seen it said often "so and so is a partner his videos suck I can do the same". Not my words the words of someone else who is just partnered :). So the truth is a lot of people are joining youtube presently for the sole pupose of making a job out of it this has been going on for about a year.

I am looking at this from a perspective of say I am the one purchasing the ads. ;/ i will tell you now that if I was to purchase ads youtube would be one base I likely would avoid having them show on because youtube is composed of mostly people trying to get partners. Googles biggest issue is in fact keeping people who are not youtubers on youtube. Their solution lol is to give contracts to huge movie making companies and people like netflix. What is wrong with this picture? LOL

Okay next we have the issue of the youtube partners making 20k per year if only 10% of the people on this forum partner thats 100 people and if only half of them acquire that goal that is 50 people earning 20k . I that's 10 million dollars paid out the ads likely cost 20 million. That's just on this forum. I would say that its more like 75% of the people on this forum are going to partner. In fact if I sit here and do nothing in a couple of years I will be a partner. At that point in time partnering with youtube or any network will earn you exactly 0.00. So here is what I am going to do. Sit here for 2 years and wait for youtube to hand it to me ;)

Why? because i only want cool banners and thumbnails. I also think that advertising on youtube as an advertiser is a huge rip off right now. I will point to the information above and the fact that the content that users will be exposed to will be well not good. I think the only ads that will have a chance of converting are the ones on the big movies and the banners on the site of the real surfers.

Now lets add fireviews, growsocials and all those sites that although cute are simply a form of ad rotating sites that crashed and burned on the internet years ago. There are only two people that I know for sure (well 3 actually now that I think of it) that are going to actually have what I consider real views and a valid subscriber base. Those sites and the networks accepting people who use those sites and income earners are well I am sorry but well look at how their new partners got those views and subs. Are they going to convert ads to paying customers for advertisers? the answer is absolutely not. Will people earn yes. Will the money be earned through viewers who are being brought in that have any likely hood of ever using the products on those ads. NO.

How long will sony or any corporation pour millions of dollars into adveritising on youtube if they get those kind of views. the answer is NOT LONG.

I will also add on channel quality the reality is the best channels are not partnered often. So what does partnership mean? not quality but quantity. I myself and staying true to my value system and taking my time to produce quality. I make cgi movies i will never ever get partnered because my rate of content production is far too low. :)
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