lol thanks for not being offended.
I started looking around a week or so ago. I started adding things up in my head as I continued. So I will try to type it quicky I cant sleep getting older middle age horrible insomnia anyhow its like this. I know that the largest motivation for partnering is well to make money this much is obvious. There are some other issues like if your not partnered your content must suck which is there even if no one wants to voice it.
I started using youtube for making video that was not just captures of things quickly about two years ago now and I have watched the changes. This is math simple math. In california alone there are a lot of partners. The average wage or target wage has already been pointed out 20k per year USD. This forum has 1k users about and its a pretty accurate cross section of the userbase of youtube. I would say a good 90% are present on youtube first to make money and second to produce good content which is the total opposite of why I am here. I have seen it said often "so and so is a partner his videos suck I can do the same". Not my words the words of someone else who is just partnered

. So the truth is a lot of people are joining youtube presently for the sole pupose of making a job out of it this has been going on for about a year.
I am looking at this from a perspective of say I am the one purchasing the ads. ;/ i will tell you now that if I was to purchase ads youtube would be one base I likely would avoid having them show on because youtube is composed of mostly people trying to get partners. Googles biggest issue is in fact keeping people who are not youtubers on youtube. Their solution lol is to give contracts to huge movie making companies and people like netflix. What is wrong with this picture? LOL
Okay next we have the issue of the youtube partners making 20k per year if only 10% of the people on this forum partner thats 100 people and if only half of them acquire that goal that is 50 people earning 20k . I that's 10 million dollars paid out the ads likely cost 20 million. That's just on this forum. I would say that its more like 75% of the people on this forum are going to partner. In fact if I sit here and do nothing in a couple of years I will be a partner. At that point in time partnering with youtube or any network will earn you exactly 0.00. So here is what I am going to do. Sit here for 2 years and wait for youtube to hand it to me
Why? because i only want cool banners and thumbnails. I also think that advertising on youtube as an advertiser is a huge rip off right now. I will point to the information above and the fact that the content that users will be exposed to will be well not good. I think the only ads that will have a chance of converting are the ones on the big movies and the banners on the site of the real surfers.
Now lets add fireviews, growsocials and all those sites that although cute are simply a form of ad rotating sites that crashed and burned on the internet years ago. There are only two people that I know for sure (well 3 actually now that I think of it) that are going to actually have what I consider real views and a valid subscriber base. Those sites and the networks accepting people who use those sites and income earners are well I am sorry but well look at how their new partners got those views and subs. Are they going to convert ads to paying customers for advertisers? the answer is absolutely not. Will people earn yes. Will the money be earned through viewers who are being brought in that have any likely hood of ever using the products on those ads. NO.
How long will sony or any corporation pour millions of dollars into adveritising on youtube if they get those kind of views. the answer is NOT LONG.
I will also add on channel quality the reality is the best channels are not partnered often. So what does partnership mean? not quality but quantity. I myself and staying true to my value system and taking my time to produce quality. I make cgi movies i will never ever get partnered because my rate of content production is far too low.