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Oh wow. I just joined this forum today and had never heard of partner networks. I'm such a newbie.
Thanks for the info!
*bookmarking this thread*
I still am curious as to what it takes to be a partner. On my other channel I have over 200,000 views but only 160 subscribers.
Wow this sounds really cool..
I'm guessing you don't get partner features like the YouTube banners and customised thumbnails right?

Also... I kinda got myself monetized with YouTube.. DOH!

Am I eligible? O_o
^ networks gives you ALL the full partner branding options. And yes VlogSalad you are more than eligible. Your channel is quite big.[DOUBLEPOST=1349675626,1349675610][/DOUBLEPOST]^ networks gives you ALL the full partner branding options. And yes VlogSalad you are more than eligible. Your channel is quite big.
^ networks gives you ALL the full partner branding options. And yes VlogSalad you are more than eligible. Your channel is quite big.[DOUBLEPOST=1349675626,1349675610][/DOUBLEPOST]^ networks gives you ALL the full partner branding options. And yes VlogSalad you are more than eligible. Your channel is quite big.
Thank you! Exciting stuff then :)
The Problem is networks is that they take money from you , i am a original partner from youtube and i make 60% profit if i network il make less the only feachure i want is to make shows you cant ccontact youtube now :/ youtube support is horable
I thought that its about time that someone created a thread on the forum that told people a list of good Partner Networks (some may just be director networks :/) on youtube that people could try to apply for. Here's the list atm, but if you know of any others that aren't listed below, then please post on this thread so that I can add them to the list.

- Revision 3
- Maker Studios
- Machinima
- Yeousch
- TGS (The Game Station)
- VidCastLLC
- VidFairLLC
- Vidthru
- StocksNetworksLTD
- PixelEnemy
- GameDunzo
- Phazer Network
- Socialblade
- Curse
- Polipop
- VisionTVNetwork
- Necessary Gaming

Each network shown above, is linked to their website to make it easier for you to find things :)

and then my own created 'Director Networks' to help promote peoples' videos:
- The Unite Project
- The Unite Gamers

Post below for any others that aren't listed :D

Those networks look interesting, I'll keep them in mind when the time comes.
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