YouTube disabled my AdSense account as soon as I made my channel, so it’s unlikely I’ll ever earn a penny from my videos (especially since I’m unable to link another AdSense account to my channel, RIP) - but that hasn’t stopped me for the last 3 years and it certainly won’t stop me now. I love making videos, they make me happy. It stopped being about the money a long time ago.
Damn, as soon as you made your channel? That sucks... How did that happen or why did they come after you?
This just really hurt small creators that haven't met this requirement yet, 4000 hrs is 166 days which is 5 and a half months, that don't seem so bad if you get more than a 1 hr of watch time per day. Now if your making 2-10 min videos then and get less than 1 hrs of watch time per day it would probably take you a year or two to reach the 4000 hr requirement hats why this is stupid. The only people that don't think this is stupid is creators that passed these requirements. If I upload 2 music videos a day and last about 2-3 mins and they get about 3-15 views and if people only watch the for 30 sec up to a min how in the world Im suppose to meet this requirement Im not going to start uploading 5-10 videos a day thats insane so what am im suppose to do I don't want to give up like how most small creators did when they seen this but I'm just feeling really hopeless.

its not all hopeless my average video length is 2-6 mins this is where I find I get the best watch time % I have a few that are under a min, the point I have highlighted is just kind of randomly picked as a middle of the road daily watch time of basicly 2 hours. that big peek is 9 hours of watch time in one day and that was primarily on a 40 second video that kind of blew up. unfortunately I kind of freaked out not knowing the source of the spike and pulled the video down for about 24 hours witch killed it. but even short video's the watch time can add up it just takes more views to do it. after that peek for the next few days I saw YouTube pushing all my video's much more than normal my YouTube generated views went up about 30% so I as you grow YouTube seems to have more confidence in promoting your video's

then here is my 48 hour

you can see no one video is pulling in a lot of views but between multiple video's that remain relevant add up I haven't posted a video in 2 weeks partly cause I'm kind of bummed out at the moment but still pulling in 50+ daily views between multiple video's so as you build your catalog of things people want to watch you should keep building on that.
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What I am curious about is how people will get there when YouTube doesn't promote content anywhere near as much as when it is monetised. Why would YouTube want to promote videos displaying no ads at all, it doesn't make sense to give those videos anywhere near as much attention as those that are making them money already.

It seems all new channels will be in a for a massive drag of a YouTube experience until they finally muster up enough watch time.

I don’t blame YouTube, it’s the demand for online ads that has taken a hit.
Advertisers are scaling back on online marketing expenditure
If I upload 2 music videos a day and last about 2-3 mins and they get about 3-15 views and if people only watch the for 30 sec up to a min how in the world Im suppose to meet this requirement

If you post a 2-3 minute video and people are clicking away after 30 seconds (a mere 17-25% retention), there are much bigger, and important issues to deal with before attempting to tackle monetization.

I'm an animator, the vast majority of my videos are around 1 minute long, and I don't post regularly. My most most recent post was back in Oct '16...which was a full year after the post before that. I am, quite simply, the absolute worst case scenario for a creator on YouTube, but I found a niche, put out work that people enjoy, and, even with incredibly short videos, have no problem surpassing the requirements.

Making quality videos and finding an audience should be the only goals for a small channel starting out. The rest falls into place from there.
I'm pretty cool with this mesaures, I hope advertisers will trust youtube/google again. And I really hope that google and youtube will change the way of treating creators. I'm really ok with this, just give advertisers back.
This caught me by surprise today. I just received the message from YouTube. I have been on a YouTube for five years for fun. Unfortunately, I'm not close to the new requirements and will lose my partnership. I only have 222 subscribers and only 2,400 hours of watch time. I highly doubt I will ever regain my partnership.
This caught me by surprise today. I just received the message from YouTube. I have been on a YouTube for five years for fun. Unfortunately, I'm not close to the new requirements and will lose my partnership. I only have 222 subscribers and only 2,400 hours of watch time. I highly doubt I will ever regain my partnership.

It is clear from this that youtube is not to be relied on anymore. They make rules and change rules without ryme or reason.

At the end of the day, there are much better ways to make money off of your content, especially for small channels. It's called Affiliate Marketing and it is a lot easier to start then getting monetized with youtube. is the main one,. All you need is a small website to get started with Amazon. There are tons of website builders out there, many free or very low cost. Host your videos on youtube as UNLISTED, and then stream them through your own website with your affiliate links. You can make hundreds a month with not that many videos or views.

No matter what anyone here says, listen to these words.

"A Worker is Worthy of his Wage

If other people want to let youtube make money off of their hard work without compensation, let them go right ahead. But there is nothing wrong with wanting get paid for your hard work and artistic creation, no matter how hard some here try to make it seem like there something wrong with want to get paid. If you work hard and produce quality content, you DESERVE to get paid. A Worker is Worthy of his Wage!

Think about this way. If you wrote an Ebook and put on and then one day Amazon said that "All authors with less then 1000 ebooks sold will not earn royalties." Would anyone think that woukd be a GOOD policy? Nope! How is a video any different then an ebook? Both electronic artistic creations. Why is it okay to want to get paid for one, but not the other?

If youtube will not pay small creators for their hard work, then they should go somewhere else. All small creators should create their own websites, and just use youtube as storage. That way youtube only makes money, when people watch the video through your own site and when you are making money as well. Then creators don't have to put up youtubes restrictions and rules.

Youtube has the right to do whatever they want to look at for themselves. They are not looking out for you. You have to lookout for yourself.
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This just really hurt small creators that haven't met this requirement yet, 4000 hrs is 166 days which is 5 and a half months, that don't seem so bad if you get more than a 1 hr of watch time per day. Now if your making 2-10 min videos then and get less than 1 hrs of watch time per day it would probably take you a year or two to reach the 4000 hr requirement hats why this is stupid. The only people that don't think this is stupid is creators that passed these requirements. If I upload 2 music videos a day and last about 2-3 mins and they get about 3-15 views and if people only watch the for 30 sec up to a min how in the world Im suppose to meet this requirement Im not going to start uploading 5-10 videos a day thats insane so what am im suppose to do I don't want to give up like how most small creators did when they seen this but I'm just feeling really hopeless.

Why would you even monetize videos that got 15 views? That's literally 1 cent. Instead of focusing on monetizing videos that are literally not making any money rather focus on quality of videos.
If people are watching only 30 seconds of your content than that's a problem!
Try making better content. Try to keep them longer by doing something that is more entertaining.
I just don't like when people are working hard but not smart. You could learn how to get more views (let's say 100) than eventually 1000 and grow and eventually you would get there instead you are focusing on producing videos that people don't like to watch (30 seconds) and uploading everyday for next 2 years with 15 views per video.
Excuse me but it is just STUPID.

One example of good youtuber I always like to mention is Shane. He has more than 11M+ subscribers and almost every video length is above 15 minutes. Watchtime? Minimum of 6-7 minutes per video... Upload schedule? Almost every single day.. In last week and half he posted 5 videos that are above 25 minutes (length)... He is killing when it comes to watchtime.
Not suprised why he has so much subscribers and why Youtube likes to promote him.
Don't misunderstand me. Youtube is not evil or wrong for what they have done. They are looking out for themselves in the best way they know how. I just disagree with their methods and and am 100% sure they are disasterously uneffective at preventing those few abusers from doing what they are doing.

I could tell how to bypass these new requirements in less then one day, but I won't because it invovles dark web stuff that is a violation of the TOS. But people without any scruples or honor will do this stuff in a heartbeat and not even blink, and it these kinds of people that are the abusers that youtube wants to stop. So these new requirements won't stop the abusers for a second. THE ONLY people that these requirements are going to hurt is the HONEST creator.