This new rules "only" change what a person can earn from his channel right? I mean, it doesn't stop a new channel to become a bigger one right? It wont stopping you from growing, just like some big channels did at the beginning.
Geez.. you guys are still living in too good world. When I started my channel in early 2012, I had to hope to get accepted by YouTube partnership just one day.
On my channel UniqueTV I make documentaries / videos which take long time to film, so as I was trying not to push myself to upload videos that are quickly done, by making this YouTube change of rules I will have to upload videos that are not of quality just to be out there and get more subscribers. at the same time my channel get about 30,000 views per month but not many subscribers
I just read last night that Youtube was changing its criteria again for who gets to participate in the Partner Program next month, and at first when I read about the new monetization eligibility requirements it made me feel a little discouraged, a feeling I've fought through many times before as I have worked to build a Youtube channel.
I decided at the beginning of this year that one of my goals, or New Year’s resolutions, along with continuing to strive to improve my channel and passing the 1000 subscribers milestone, would be to work on being more sociable and more involved with the YT community - meaning rather than spend so much time working on filming, editing, graphics, music and everything else that goes into making my own videos, I want to watch more of other peoples videos, take more time to leave genuine comments, give thumbs ups when I like what I see, and subscribe to more channels. I think getting more involved in this way and sincerely building others up can could go a long way, because I certainly appreciate when others do it for me!
What do you all think?
Hey I think this is a great mindset. In fact, I've been doing that so far and the results have helped. Sometimes its easy to get caught up in chasing numbers but it isn't about that at the end of the day. Knowing the people who support you can go a long way :)
What about those who upload short videos (3 min) with a small channel? It means that they'll probably never reach this new criteria, and so earning nothing?

No worries. There will be always new Pewdiepies every year. And those newcomers will continue emerging in future.

These are just new qualifications to meet to enter the club. It's nothing to do with earnings of individuals.

3 min vids are enough. It's all about 'ideas'.


To increase subs there are specific channel and content strategies. Check out YouTube Academy. I studied half the materials there for certificates and actually it helped to understand YouTube ecosystem.
The main problem is really that the moneytised content gets better seo which is why people were trying to reach the old 10k view target. Not for the measly ad payments that might have been achieved. Was a good middle ground stepping stone to aim for. Now we’re going to have to watch yet more utter rubbish from top YouTubers where some choose to make bs videos about their tooth brushing routine or some other nonsense that they upload and get rewarded for just for views. Grr.
I will have to respectfully disagree. The landscape has changed completely since PewdiePie. It is an over saturated market and anyone with a screen recorder and a laptop want to run a gaming channel.

Sure there will be a few that break through, but the odds of that happening are much much less now. The idea of progress, of accomplishing something has been curb stomped. I have a really good job and this is a side thing for me, so money wasn't a big deal. But this was a kick in the junk, like I wasn't "cool" enough to be part of the club. Because I didnt beg for subscribers or farm them or join the "I sub You sub" circle jerks that people are doing I am now being punished. That is just the hard facts of the ideals of that Google (Yes Google) and Youtube have given us.

You have worked and worked and worked to get your channel going. Now, you can go **** yourself because idiots like Logan Paul do stupid things. It is the whole, "Coffee will be extrmeemly hot" on the side of a cup because 1 or 2 people spilled coffee on them, got burnt and sued. i.e. we all suffer for the actions of a few.

Nothing will truly change for me, but like my nephew who was just starting out and learning new things and excited about having a gaming channel... now told my sister he is not going to bother anymore. I feel so bad and I am trying to talk him out of it, because he can really learn a lot about video creation, marketing, etc from doing this.

It wasn't about the money, it's about where Youtube is headed. Long term, years down the road, content will still be there, but I will guarentee you that there will be far less unique, new "big" channels out there. YT has just said, screw you little channels, we do not want you any longer. From a business stand point and the situation they are in, it does make sense... but once again, their PR is maybe the worst in the world... it is "EA" caliber IMO.

It is what happens when you are the only game in town, ginormous and poorly managed.

Just my 2 cents and nothing more. Just frustrated for the small channels that put effort into it. I realize they can still work at it and grow... it is just the perception and over-all idea behind all this that really sucks.

I am hoping they will let us know how these lower channels will fair in the search algorithms and suggested column. Will we be completely cut out? What am I saying, of course they are not going to let us know!
I think it’s time for a reality check on my part. If I’m going to be transparent regarding my channel I would honestly say that 90% of the content in it is crap and if I was a viewer I would click away in the first 20 seconds. On the other hand, spending 1000+ hours plus in premiere, photoshop, illustrator, and after effects, editing said crap gave me the skill set work outside of YouTube where I do make a honest buck. Youtube is a big passion and life project for me and it helped me get past some ugly moments in my life, gave me that extra push to do something.

What I’m trying to say is to also look at the good things YouTube did for everyone while removing the money aspect for a bit.

Now regarding this change, you know what? Good, I’m tired of stumbling upon channels with 100 subscribers and just a few videos that have up to 100k views, yes, I’m looking at you channels that steal and plagiarize content for a quick buck. Also, if there’s one YouTube disaster that made me angry that will be the children fiasco, people abusing the system, and some even their own children for money, absolutely disgusting.

In the end YouTube tried and failed to create an automated system that went absolutely berserk: demonetizing, flagging and even taking down stuff that was perfectly legit while videos like the kids ones perfectly got between the cracks.

For me personally, if I am ever going to be deserving of those 1000+ subs and move to a point where I might actually start to make a living out of it, Great! If not, great again.

Those are my thoughts on the new YouTube Partnership changes.
Few clarifications from YouTube regarding the new YouTube Partner Program eligibility criteria
Taken from productforums!topic/youtube/A3DoDo-OGyU

If I’m in an MCN but my channel has less than 4,000 watch hours in the previous 12 months and 1,000 subscribers will I be able to run ads?
Channels that are in an MCN and below this threshold will be released from the MCN. To be an affiliate channel of an MCN, that channel must be a part of YPP, so channels must have more than 4,000 watch hours in the previous 12 months and more than 1,000 subscribers to become an MCN affiliate.

What creator features will I lose if I do not meet the new YPP criteria as of Feb 20th?
  • Custom URLs: The new YPP criteria does not affect custom URLs. However, there are other requirements that you must reach. To create a custom URL for your channel, your account needs to:
    • Have 100 or more subscribers
    • Be at least 30 days old
    • Have an uploaded photo as channel icon
    • Have uploaded channel art
  • Custom thumbnails: You don't need to be part of YPP to use custom thumbnails, you just need to have a verified account (by phone).
  • Scheduling uploads: The new YPP criteria does not affect scheduling. Here’s the steps to schedule a video.
  • Live streaming: The new YPP criteria does not affect live streaming. You just need to confirm that your channel is verified and that you have no live stream restrictions in the last 90 days.
  • End cards: All creators can use end cards/screens. Linking to external websites from end cards is a feature that is only available to YPP members. When YPP eligibility requirements are updated on Feb 20th, channels that currently have access to these features will continue to have access even if they're no longer in YPP while we build out new eligibility criteria for this external linking feature.
  • Super Chat & Sponsorships: Monetization-related features like Super Chat won't be available as we're also strengthening these requirements.
We can hit the sub criteria if we sub to each others channels! Subscribe to my channel.
While we love supporting other channels, offering to subscribe to another creator’s channel solely in exchange for them subscribing to your channel, also known as "Sub4Sub," is not allowed. Creators who offer such exchanges risk losing subscriber numbers, receiving a Terms of Use strike, or even having their channel terminated.

Do I need 1k subs OR 4k watch hours in the past 12 months? Or do I need both?
Both are needed. If your channel has less than 1k subs OR less than 4k watch hours then it doesn't meet both requirements and will be removed from YPP on Feb 20th.

Do I need 1k subs in the past 12 months or total?
The new requirements are 1k subs TOTAL and 4k watch hours in the past 12 months.

I got an email saying I don’t meet the new criteria. What’s up with this?
If YouTube Analytics shows >4k hours of watch time in the past 12 months and 1k subscribers total, you received the email in error. Sorry for the confusion, but so long as you meet the threshold by the Feb 20th date, you won’t be removed from YPP.