Machinima Not Paying (Bankruptcy?)

Every1 couldve expected this one comming :/ They were having troubles like aaaaaages ago so they r lucky to last this long ;) But i think Machinima is conpletely dead :( Such a shame :'( UNLESS Something sooooo epic happens that ressurects Machinima from dead xD But i guess they r just over :(
Every1 couldve expected this one comming :/ They were having troubles like aaaaaages ago so they r lucky to last this long ;) But i think Machinima is conpletely dead :( Such a shame :'( UNLESS Something sooooo epic happens that ressurects Machinima from dead xD But i guess they r just over :(
Dead? Do you know anything?
Yes im following it lol xD This what i just said earlier is what i think is going to happen xD But dun ya see it xD Theyve been having soooo many probs lately :( And all those rumors were actually true :( Isnt that like telling yu that they r dying out O.O If ya know what i mean ;)
Dead? Do you know anything?
Yes im following it lol xD This what i just said earlier is what i think is going to happen xD But dun ya see it xD Theyve been having soooo many probs lately :( And all those rumors were actually true :( Isnt that like telling yu that they r dying out O.O If ya know what i mean ;)
They've had money issues. What other issues exist? You're speaking a bunch of BS. They will struggle for a bit and then pull through. Most companies do. Or someone will bail them out.
Dude xD Chillax ;) Whatever ya do keep breathing xD Yu have to keep in mind that we are in times of crysis now xD Everything that involves money is difficult these days :(
They've had money issues. What other issues exist? You're speaking a bunch of BS. They will struggle for a bit and then pull through. Most companies do. Or someone will bail them out.
Dude xD Chillax ;) Whatever ya do keep breathing xD Yu have to keep in mind that we are in times of crysis now xD Everything that involves money is difficult these days :(
Time of crisis? No we aren't...and I'm just fine. You on the other hand don't know what you're talking about
i know exacy what im talking about but the prob is im not originally english :( I sometimes have problems putting sentences in the right order xD Or trying to explain why in english xD Im still learning ^-^
Time of crisis? No we aren't...and I'm just fine. You on the other hand don't know what you're talking about
The main reason for Machinima's fall from grace is that they were paying the wrong people too much. Let me give you an example. People in Arabic countries oftentimes receive some of the lowest CPMs in the market. However, Machinima generally would offer fixed CPMs at $1.00-$2.00. However, these Arabic partners in actuality were receiving sometimes less than $.30 CPMs. That is a huge loss to Machinima when they're paying amounts 4x more than they've received to partners.