Journey To 100K Subscribers Before 2017!

Report #43 Alright, we're 7 past our goal of 2,500! Now onto the next one of 5,000! Total views is 420,379 and realtime 9,200+!

I've begun looking for 4K quality footage for my next big video. I'm rather embarrassed by the quality of my most viewed video now looking back at it, but oh well, you live and you learn. The editing was good just.. it doesn't show up anywhere close to where I'd like it to be. Now with 4K quality footage to work with, I think the next video seriously has a chance of getting to 1M views in less than 30 days. This current one could.. but I think it's probably going to hit 250K instead or somewhere around there. I just don't feel like promoting it heavily since I'd like to focus my funds and efforts on something better.

I've also gone ahead and started my conservative channel, but that's on the down low for now. I'm not quite sure exactly which way I'd like to take it. For right now it's more entertainment but hey.. 7 subscribers in ;)
Report #44 2,607 subscribers, 429,715 total views, and 13,000 realtime views in the past 48 hours. I am deleting a video which failed (only uploaded halfway and I realized 2 hours later after it got 62 views) as I don't want it to screw up my stats. I'm down at 140 videos and so far my latest upload is going to surpass 5,000 views ;)

I've been promoting pretty heavily on reddit and am only halfway done. I'm super excited about the next couple of videos to come out. I think we can easily get to 3K, 4K, 5K, etc.

Tomorrow I decided to post my giveaway video finally, sot hat could help a tiny bit (although not expecting much from it). So far so good.
Report #45 2,703 subscribers, 442,987 total views, and 13,000+ realtime views. I've been promoting a little heavily on Reddit and it's working out pretty well. I've been a little delayed on getting the footage made for the next replication video, but I'm sure it can still be released maybe within the next 2 weeks :p

So far progress is looking nice, but unfortunately I'm running low on money. I've had issues with some of the other things in my life and I was kind of hoping to have a few thousand ready to invest over these next 6 weeks to get to the 100K. So... I've started looking for some extra jobs to make more money. I don't give up quite so easily lol. I'm also looking into ways to monetize my channel other than adsense (but still not Patreon and selling products/services, as it's too early for that). Adsense money is just not cutting it, but I need to hit the sweet spot as I also don't want to sell out and ruin engagement for my channel.
Report #46 2,792 subscribers, 462,440 total views and 9,900+ realtime views. I was just playing around with editing some audio and I'm getting really excited as I just figured out how to improve quality for the next set of videos (not vlogs, but some other ideas I had). Every small improvement of quality adds up and I decided to release another "big" video that I'll promote on Tuesday before Thanksgiving. I know thanksgiving isn't the best time to promote, but right before could be the perfect time. I'm taking into account everything from Tuesdays being the lightest days to right before the holidays so everyone's off from school to monitoring the traffic of Reddit. I know it's not actually "perfect" but it's close enough haha. I also have to follow my new upload every 2 day schedule sooo..

But so far, so good. I'm getting really excited here to release more big videos.
Report #47 2,846 subscribers. 471,176 views. 8,200 realtime. And my most viewed video is at nearly 152K. There is one or two more big places I could promote it at, maybe I could promote again in certain places.. but I'll leave that for the future. I'm REALLY excited to hopefully post the next big video this Tuesday. So far it seems like it's looking good, just waiting on my editor to finish ;)

I'm going to go extremely hard on promoting that. Just the whole day will go into trying to make that go even more viral than this one. Because I need to get to more subs. I need more money, but I don't want to sellout.. so the only way I can do it is having loyal subs. I think 2-3 huge promotions and I could easily be at 100K subs. Even just hitting 10K subs would allow me to collab with bigger channels, so growth will skyrocket soon. Good things are coming.

Also I enabled fan funding just a few minutes ago, I think I'll promote that at 5K (for now I'll see if anything happens without any promotion). But err.. it's glitched and not even showing up on my channel so I emailed YT support. Lol hopefully they fix it
Report #48 2,914 subscribers, 475,026 total views, 8,500 realtime. Total unsubs this month so far is better than last month, which is surprising. Which means my quality must've improved AND also people like the one post every 2 days thing going on.

Unfortunately my editor is... missing? Uh, he went MIA a few days ago lol. So.. I have no idea video for tomorrow, so I'm editing one myself currently. Definitely don't like this position that I'm in, considering the holidays are approaching and I just.. really don't want to risk promoting then. So I think what I'll do is promote a video slightly tomorrow that'll do better than most but won't bring me any great results (probably). I contacted this youtuber with a similar IDGAF attitude as me, he's got 5,100 subs and he's letting me use some of his footage to make a compilation. I think maybe I could get some of his viewers if they'd type in the name and see that, or maybe he might even give a little shoutout himself if he likes what I create. But most importantly, it's not about me. I really wanted to give the guy a shoutout because he deserves WAY more than 5,100 subs and he BARELY promotes. If he did the promoting I did so far, he'd be already at 100K subs or more. He's got a bunchhhhh of videos that are just hilarious and he's been doing it for a long time.

Anyways, I've got that going. Progress has been slowing down a little bit. I DID finally get my gaming channel back. It was dead for 2 weeks (more news on that later) but.. it's still sorta locked. YouTube support turns out isn't as great as I thought. They're crap lol. Woops.

But anyways, still gotta keep a positive attitude. I think all can go well still :) Just gotta get the editor awake.. or something.
Report #49 2,983 subscribers, 484,033 total views, and 11,000 realtime views. Instead of posting the compilation video (which I'm still working on), I immediately posted a Kanye video after news broke out about that. I found it hilarious, and easily relatable as I had a fun trip to the Psych Ward as well 2 years ago ;)

It got a couple thousand views so it wasn't so bad, definitely helped with the subs. Tomorrow I'm going light as probably everyone will be enjoying Turkey Day, and I just don't want to risk promoting heavily only for it to fail. My editor responded.. but still waiting on the video. No worries, hey, can't rush talent!

November seems to be slowing down big time, but I think the very last days will bring a big boost and also December we're gonna need to make some very serious pushes!!
Report #50 Hopefully everybody had a nice Thanksgiving! I have the editor's video, so we should be good for either Monday or Wednesday now. Just gotta figure out which day is better, or maybe even if I should wait for Friday. I promoted a little bit on Reddit recently, and I'm backlogged on comments. Always when I'm backlogged and I go through and engage a bit, my subs rise a tiny bit.

I got my first donation due to fan funding, $1.69 lol. Kind of interesting. I didn't promote it all (and won't until 5K subs).

I'm at 3,067 subscribers, 507,201 total views, and 17,000 realtime views. Also I recently gave a shoutout video to a Youtuber I liked (No Joke Howard, very interesting man) and personally I really like his content. He had around 5.1K subs when I posted and now he's gained like an extra 200, so that's kind of really cool. He was super impressed and is all up for a collaboration if I'm ever down in the area (which I will be eventually, probably next year). I'm most likely going to surpass his subs, but even so, by the time we're collabing, he's gonna have at least 15-20K subs so that'll be a nice boost to my channel.

Also might contact a few other channels I've been ignoring (they're much smaller, but I guess everything counts now as we're approaching the end here). Quite a fair bit aways, but I'm excited to promote at least hopefully 3 more MAIN videos. One definitely coming within the next few days.
Report #51 I missed yesterday's unfortunately due to being out of the house, but we've got good progress. I'm going to be promoting pretty heavily in just a little bit here, so this week's exciting, but here are the stats:

3,158 subscribers, 517,513 total views, and 8,900+ realtime views. I really hope my editor can fix the video (visuals are done and audio's NEARLY done but I had to send it back to him so he can fix it, it needs to be perfect this time!) so I can promote on Wednesday. Hopefully!
Report #52 Well I released my video today and it's going well so far. 10K+ views. Excited about it but Reddit hates it haha. Oh well, both good AND bad publicity helps ;)

I'm at 3,292 subscribers, 526,606 total views and 21,000+ realtime views. I'm going to be promoting quite heavily into the night, and I have been for most of the day so far! The month is going to be over in a couple of minutes here, so I'm really excited to see the stats for November. I think I'm ending it on a nice bang. For December, the big thing is basically getting the 96.7K subs I need to finish my goal. The biggest thing will be connecting with people and doing collabs, so that's my goal alongside getting 2 more replication videos out ;)

So far so good!