Report #23 I'm planning my 2.5K subscriber video out. I'm doing an interesting giveaway. It cost me a fair penny or two, you could say that for sure. But it's also different than other giveaways where you ask for subs and likes and sharing the video. I want my subscribers to be more engaged and feel like they have some say in the channel. Also it'll help my channel grow potentially even more than the traditional giveaways. Hopefully I can reach that soon. Not worried though. Just wondering where to invest my money in. I found a company called Virool today.. it made me laugh. $100K for 1M views! WOW, WHAT A DEAL! If you bid low though, you can get 1M views for the nice price of only $50K!
I remember going to a networking event with 50 year old CEOs and it was funny when some marketing guy came over to me and was stunned that I could get 50K views for a few grand. Sure I could. If I have a proper ad to promote, I can use Reddit and other targeted ads no problem. I just need one good video and a small chunk of change and we're good to go.
Just saying, if I can achieve 100K subs within a few months.. there's no way I wouldn't aim for 10M subs by the end of next year. Of course I wouldn't be able to do that myself. But with a proper team, I'll be in touch with all the big YouTubers out there. I want to collab as much as possible. Even Gary V said it himself, when you're starting out small.. even a collab with a 100 sub channel could mean the world to you. And as you grow bigger, the power only increases with those.
I'm sometimes sad looking at where I am in life right now.. I could've had 10M subs without a doubt if I hadn't been greedy a few years ago. Even without the VIne channels, my gaming channel was on a roll. But then I remember, live life without regrets. There's a reason why I had to fail so many times. Or at least, I'm giving those moments meaning. I've got a lot of experience, and it'll help me with upcoming challenges. It's funny when I look at one of my inspirations for YouTube.. it wasn't Steve Jobs or Bill Gates or Andrew Carnegie who inspired me to start working. I mean I always had those people in mind, I have long lists of the Greats... but sometimes you must start with a small step. And I always looked up to Hutch, Seananners, xJawz, the whole of Machinima really, and even my old gaming buddy. Back in 2008 and 2009 I really liked what was going on. And xJawz being able to afford a $60K Merc and having an interesting.. err girlfriend in the adult entertainment industry was inspiring haha. It's fascinating to look at his channel now. I wonder what's going through Sam's mind. I always sided with the YouTubers who were going through tough times. I even support Sam Pepper and VeeTwoEye. You can see the pain in their eyes sometimes. It's tough being famous and going through drug and sexual scandals. Some aren't able to handle it. And I wonder if a younger version of myself would've been able to do it as well.
But anyways, back to domination mode. We're right where I want to be. 100K here we come.[DOUBLEPOST=1476393830,1476393689][/DOUBLEPOST]Wow and I forgot to add the most important details lol. Here they are: 1,370 subscribers, 183,301 total views, and 7,700 realtime views.[DOUBLEPOST=1476475772][/DOUBLEPOST]
Report #24 We're at 187,328 total views, 7,800+ realtime views and 1,412 subscribers. I received a rather funny business email today, the CEO of a nootropics company wants to send me some free product. And promote my video even further maybe.. Why? He found my video hilarious. I made fun of him and called his company a scam haha. Ah, gotta love it. Sure, I'll take free stuff. Why not? I'll give it a test.
I keep getting more and more offers from people who want my help with their channels. They're even willing to pay good money. I definitely do enjoy this, as it'll keep growing exponentially soon