Journey To 100K Subscribers Before 2017!

Well I'm back with report #53. The channel has 580,731 total views, 3,552 subscribers, and 8,800 realtime. I posted my video late by a few hours and this post's definitely late as it's been over a week really. I moved temporarily to Poland (winter break vacation) and clearly it's been difficult to get things back up again lol. I had my computer and left it at home.. on accident. Or at least the most important piece, the SSD with everything on it. So basically I'm kind of left scrambling here trying to reinstall all my old programs on my uncle's computer haha.

Life always throws challenges at you. The channel's been steadily growing however a reddit promotion is way overdue and I'm sure we'll get some nice boost from that. At this point, we are getting close to the end of the year.... which is a little ehhh, but hey, just gotta keep pounding away. You never know what could happen. Still good progress overall.
Question: How are you promoting on Reddit without getting crucified by the mods for advertising?
Oh I've been banned from some subreddits. Just gotta be nice with the mods and message them sometimes beforehand or after to get unbanned. But I've definitely had my fair share of mod horror stories haha. Reddit hates me a lot but hey, it works. I hate reddit too but Ill still keep using it for marketing purposes (although the little extra time I spent on there is now well.. ehh i hate it)
Report #54 As you can see, I'm a fair bit away from 100,000 subscribers. My current stats are: 3,834 subscribers, 630,930 total views, 11,000+ realtime views, and $144.05 total revenue (estimated) from the past 28 days. This month I currently earned $79.67 in the first 17 days. I'm kinda annoyed by YouTube's crappy analytics this month, as the first took over 2 weeks to update (and everybody had OVERestimated analytics at first, so I thought I'd earn $9 more that day). I don't particularly care about the few bucks, but it's like the 3rd biggest website in the world has such terrible analytics? It kept glitching almost every single day up until now.

I lost 561 subscribers in my lifetime and my quality recently has dropped slightly, so I've been working on getting it back up. Today is my first actual work day in a while. The reason I am here, and not in a much higher place is well.. it's my own fault.

I got lazy, I got demotivated, I got crushed (HOWEVER I never lost hope!). Moving to Poland for the time being forced me to plan my future much harder. It also forced me to waste a bunch of time reinstalling all my old programs, getting locked out of a bunch of accounts time and time again (which took hours for some of them to reverify as my phone doesn't work here lol), and it's just been a bunch of various things in conjuction with each other. Also I got quite distracted by hunting for ladies haha (which the rewards are so amazing.. it's been wonderful, however I'm putting the gals on hold for now until I can get YT to be a fulltime job).

I stopped reading my Napoleon Hill goal every day a little bit back. I got off the tracks, but hopefully now all will be going smoothly again. Still good progress, and I'm definitely not upset. I'm quite backlogged on messages, so that's the first thing I'm doing. Always good to start slow again :)
Report #55 I have shifted my focus over from growing my channel to monetizing my current subs/views in such a way that won't really screw my progress. I will make most likely more mention of it when I hit 5,000 subscribers, but I would like my audience to help make me some cash from affiliate links. And then Probably I'm still waiting to advertise my friend's clothing brand. At least 10,000, although my original goal was to wait till 25K or 50K. I'm waiting with Patreon for sure though till 25K or 50K, it's WAY too early for that. I can't sell my own products/services either since it's way too early.

I have found my highest earning videos (which surprisingly are NOT my most viewed actually.. the CPM's on my most viewed are ironically the WORST out of all my videos lol). I will begin promoting the higher CPM videos soon.

Google Analytics is screwed up yet again (big surprise... NOT) so I can't even report that accurate results but currently I'm sitting at 4,025 subscribers and 669,037 total views. My realtime views went down due to the holidays to 7,400. The last reported day for earnings was the 22nd, but at least that was a nice once over $7. The average daily earnings right now for the month is approaching $5.20. I really would like to end the month with at least over $200 from adsense alone as I know January is always the worst month for adsense :p

I think this will be the last report till the very last day of the year. I've contacted a fair amount of channels I thought I had connections with for collabs.. no response even though they saw. Oh well, it's business ;) I honestly am not worried at all. 2017 is my year to crush it. And worst case scenario? Who cares, I'll still be able to live very comfortably in Poland come summertime. Plus I'm still young :):)