Doesn't reddit have a timer of how often you can post though? I hate that about reddit :l
Only 10 minutes in between posts, but not responses. That's okay to deal with honestly. Newer accounts may have more limits but once you have an aged account you're set
Report #33: The video that is in the process of editing is doing alright, I'm just a bit disappointed to see that quality of the footage could've been better. It's my fault, unfortunately the Samsung's camera isn't the best.. Oh well, it's still better than any vlog of mine lol. As in just different. I'm excited for the day I might get some crystal quality camera, I'm kind of a perfectionist when it comes to that but right now I can't do a thing about it. Subs: 1,647 Total views: 216,543 Realtime views, 6,200+[DOUBLEPOST=1477368995,1477287281][/DOUBLEPOST]Report #33 219,233 views, 1,662 subs, and 5,800 realtime views. I'm quite happy that I'm able to engage with 95%+ of the comments on my channel, or at least the ones I see. Some are glitched and I can't respond to and others are just double posts or short ones. Growth has been slowing down towards the end of the month but already we've trumped last month and all previous months before that. I do hope I'll be able to get the video out and promoted before the end of the month!
I've also got a small collab coming up

I think that'll be very interesting to see. I've been really hard at work on the gaming channel and am quite curious to see where it'll be come November 4th when Infinite Warfare comes out. I've still got to put in a lot of time and I might have to pull a few all nighters with it.[DOUBLEPOST=1477405460][/DOUBLEPOST]
Report #34 I decided to do an early morning report today. We've certainly come a long way since the beginning. We're at 1,673 subscribers right now, 222,455 total views, 5,700 realtime, and lifetime unsubs at 248. Also so far this month's earnings are $36.46, not too bad in comparison with last month. Already crushing it and still a whole week to go!
I'm quite happy with the engagement my channel has in comparison to my gaming one. This is definitely going to be big next year and I'm excited about that. I think I'm going to have to do more vlogs about trendy news though as my views have been declining a tiny bit and it's partially due to me making vlogs about less entertaining topics. If I do a perfect balance of trendy and educational, we'll be good with that.