Journey To 100K Subscribers Before 2017!

The main things are to just post content consistently, and every now and then (if not as many as you can) try and relate to whatever is trending or controversial. Any content that triggers emotion + makes use of a little bit of clickbait is ready to promote. If you have a video that you'd like to promote that you feel is good, pick as many subreddits as you can to promote in. Anything from the big ones such as: r/videos r/gaming r/funny r/news etc. to smaller subreddits such as r/unknownvideos r/promote r/newtubers etc. to then specified subreddits. I posted my most viewed video in about 50 places actually and some were hits others misses.

It's not spam as long as you follow the simple rule of: 1 video submission for every 9 responses to normal posts. 90/10 rule. Check what's on the top of the subreddits and see if they love posts that are clickbaity like "CRAZY SHOCKING OCTOBER 22 NEWS!!!" or if it's very specific like "Hey guys here's my latest video which promotes this and that". Get your friends to upvote your posts within minutes of posting and that boosts your chances too of getting in the rising section and then from there you can get on the front page. And even if you dont get on the front page, if you get on rising and get downvoted you can get on controversial for 24 hours which still gives you a lot of views. Reddit's tricky but it definitely works. Also engage with every comment of course as that helps boost it up too i think[DOUBLEPOST=1477179160,1477178238][/DOUBLEPOST]Report #32 Subs: 1,626 Total views: 213,494 realtime views: 5,700 I've had a hectic day today so not much happened however I did do a few reddit promos, albeit small ones.
Doesn't reddit have a timer of how often you can post though? I hate that about reddit :l
Doesn't reddit have a timer of how often you can post though? I hate that about reddit :l
Only 10 minutes in between posts, but not responses. That's okay to deal with honestly. Newer accounts may have more limits but once you have an aged account you're set

Report #33: The video that is in the process of editing is doing alright, I'm just a bit disappointed to see that quality of the footage could've been better. It's my fault, unfortunately the Samsung's camera isn't the best.. Oh well, it's still better than any vlog of mine lol. As in just different. I'm excited for the day I might get some crystal quality camera, I'm kind of a perfectionist when it comes to that but right now I can't do a thing about it. Subs: 1,647 Total views: 216,543 Realtime views, 6,200+[DOUBLEPOST=1477368995,1477287281][/DOUBLEPOST]Report #33 219,233 views, 1,662 subs, and 5,800 realtime views. I'm quite happy that I'm able to engage with 95%+ of the comments on my channel, or at least the ones I see. Some are glitched and I can't respond to and others are just double posts or short ones. Growth has been slowing down towards the end of the month but already we've trumped last month and all previous months before that. I do hope I'll be able to get the video out and promoted before the end of the month!

I've also got a small collab coming up ;) I think that'll be very interesting to see. I've been really hard at work on the gaming channel and am quite curious to see where it'll be come November 4th when Infinite Warfare comes out. I've still got to put in a lot of time and I might have to pull a few all nighters with it.[DOUBLEPOST=1477405460][/DOUBLEPOST]Report #34 I decided to do an early morning report today. We've certainly come a long way since the beginning. We're at 1,673 subscribers right now, 222,455 total views, 5,700 realtime, and lifetime unsubs at 248. Also so far this month's earnings are $36.46, not too bad in comparison with last month. Already crushing it and still a whole week to go!

I'm quite happy with the engagement my channel has in comparison to my gaming one. This is definitely going to be big next year and I'm excited about that. I think I'm going to have to do more vlogs about trendy news though as my views have been declining a tiny bit and it's partially due to me making vlogs about less entertaining topics. If I do a perfect balance of trendy and educational, we'll be good with that.
Report #35 1,695 subscribers, 225,205 total views and 5,500 realtime. I'm spending a lot more time on the gaming channel and it's going alright, just am super excited for next week. Chances are some of the videos will go viral just by themselves. Most likely for this personal channel though the main edited video will be released in 2 days or so. October's coming to a close and it's been a rather good month but I would like to see a bit better numbers over the next few days ;)
Report #36 I'm extremely tired after working on the gaming channel. Unfortunately my editor hasn't messaged me still, so the video's delayed by a day or two I guess. No worries. I'm kind of stressed out with the gaming channel, as I wasn't able to fully hit all targets however I'm coming up with quick solutions. Still end goal is to get everything done by December 6th for that channel.

Anyways, this one's had a nice small promo on reddit which gained me a few more subs. 6,500 realtime views, 228,079, and 1,747 subscribers.
Report #37 Well I tried to make it daily, but stress has been a little too high over the past couple of days. I'm going to have to see an attorney most likely (at least for the peace of mind) tomorrow due to something YouTube related. It's not related with the actual channels and all of that.. but err.. well, there's been a little bit of a Reddit witchhunt due to something I said in a video from long ago. A subscriber linked the deleted thread now to me, and that freaked me out haha. Anyways, I think all should be well. But hey, with every up you have a down as well. I'm prepared. It's just interesting that already at 1.8K subs I'm facing some little scandals lol.

I'll make a fun vlog about this soon, it's gonna be hilarious. Anyways, stats have grown quite a bit recently due to some reddit promos. I wish I could've done more but kind of freaked out yesterday, so today we've calmed down a bit and going to promote a lot more. I might go down to 1 video every 2 days to retain more subscribers and focus more on quality soon.. still thinking about it.

1,808 subscribers, 238,238 total views, 6,700 realtime views, and 271 unsubs.
Report #38 We're going down to a report every 2 days. I decided it'd be easier and more exciting anyways, since I won't be posting daily videos anymore. I spoke with a few different people on this, and I think from now on it'd be better to post fewer to retain more subscribers. Posting a lot is good at first, but then once you start gaining traction.. well, you don't want to scare people away. I want people to watch everything I post, and right now that might not be possible for everyone. Every 2 days seems good though. And also I have the video finally ready to post tomorrow, so the space will give it more of a boost :)

Stats: 248,200 (october analytics are done surprisingly fast, other than revenue, so it's all views apart from today's), 1,866 subs and 5,900 realtime
Report #39 Haven't even noticed it's 2am, woops. Pulling an all nighter since tonight's the night ladies and gentleman. Infinite Warfare came out and even though I could care less about the game, it means youtube monayyyyy for any good uploads ;)

But in other news, we have very good news. Oh, very, very good news. If you look right now on r/videos, you'll see that one of my videos is on the frontpage and should be there for the next couple of hours at least. Hopefully it does the full 24 hour cycle :)

I finally released my special video. Currently, I think it got around 80K views. YEP! 80 FRICKIN THOUSAND VIEWS! Realtime's saying 78K but that's not including the extra few hours it was out earlier as well.

Realtime: 88,000 views. Subs: 2,126. Total views: 251,322. (which btw, we beat a little goal of 250K! woot. And also past 2K) Today was epic.. and hopefully I'll be able to promote the video even more.

I'd like for it to get 1M views hopefully within the next 29 days or so. Next step is to promote on a few more subreddits (I've done half) and then send it to popular youtubers through twitter and FB who might like it (might as well give it a shot, who knows?). Overall, very positive reception of the video. Excited to do more!
Report #40 I went to sleep last night at 11pm and got a couple of hours of sleep overall throughout the past 72 hours. Feel fully awake but man, it's good to get stuff done. I've been promoting and responding to a bunch of comments, and the thing is I'm super backlogged on everything. But the more you respond and engage with people, the more your video and channel get subs and move up to the top ;)

Realtime: 120,000+ in the past 48 hours (it's beginning to fall down now, I think at max peak it might've been 130-131K), 2,242 subs, total views 337,905.

Unfortunately my main video got demonetized after just a few thousand views and I didn't notice till a whole day later. But finally it's got its monetization back up and enabled after I emailed support. Even with monetization disabled, I hit on analytics my biggest day yet with nearly $8 (only like $2.40 or something like that came out of the video). It's dying down now a bit but my promoting's still not finished. Next up is to get this video to 1M views and keep pumping out content. Posting every 2 days I think is much more relaxing for the new subs and I'm quite excited for where we're going
Report #41 Subs: 2,351, Realtime views: 18,000+, Total views: 391,464.

I've got ideas already for the next big video, but I think it'll cost quite a bit more. It's been hectic over the past couple of days, and traffic's been dying down a little bit. That's not a worry though as we'll fix that pretty soon ;) I can't fully focus on my channel right now though just because a LOT has hit me all at once, both with my personal life and the gaming channel and other things. But once we've got all that out of the way, we'll be good. I think we're approaching a point here pretty soon where I'm going to need to start investing a lot more money into this to reach the goal. We're not doing too bad, but definitely have to reach 5K and 10K asap here. Exponential growth will be necessary in order to hit the goal.
Report #42 Oh how glorious of a day it was after the election! I'm actually considering starting a conservative channel next year (I wouldn't be hosting it, I mean I might make some guest appearances.. but I'd hire others). It'd be a little bit different though.. I mean I do have some extremely liberal ideas, but for the most part I come from a conservative background. And this year, as much as I'd like to deny it.. I've been heavily involved with the political cycle. I do want to voice my political thoughts, but on my personal channel that'd be a horrible move.

I am posting a slightly political video though in less than 12 hours, and expect some sub loss but maybe a few nice gains here and there.. but oh well. Overall quite happy with where my channel currently is. Nearly hitting another goal marker! Subs: 2,435 Total views: 415,313 Realtime views: 11,000

I will be doing a few more reddit posts tonight, because I tried last night and did pretty well but should've obviously waited till after the election lol.. Reddit was swamped and my posts were gone.