How did you learn to edit?

Self taught..Lots of Youtube videos and scouring the internet for hours. Trial and error works pretty well too.
At the beginning, I used youtube a lot. Especially because all of the programs I use are from Adobe: Photoshop, After effects, Premiere, and Audition. but now that I know the basics of it, I mostly try and figure out stuff by myself, unless I'm really stumped then I'll go to youtube or Adobe forums to find the answer.
I first learned when I just pulled up iMovie and started creating videos for YouTube in 2007. I got to learn Final Cut Pro in Film class in High School. Learned about Adobe Premiere Pro and a tiny bit on Avid in College.
I learned editing by trying to replicate other peoples videos. Now I often look around for new effects I should apply to my videos and I keep improving them like that
i grabbed a small video of myself and a game, loaded them into Sony Vegas and literally turned and tweaked everything and began to learn what does what :)
Our computer teacher at high school was very much generous. He went behind the course book and taught us video editing with iMovie and now I am very gladful of him
well i started up not even knowing about to record my clips about 4 month ago since then i've just done guess work and watched a lot of youtube video's to learn everything i know just mess around a bit you'll start to learn a lot
I'm still learning.. Whenever there is something specific I want to learn, I'll search for some youtube HowTo videos.. One of the biggest things I've done to help is when I see something on TV (usually a TV commercial or music video) with some element (lighting/text/special effect/whatever) that I like I will challenge myself to make a video emulating/copying it.. Sometimes I pull it off..Sometimes I realize i need a lot more practice.
I learned Photoshop and all of the Adobe interfaces are similar so it wasn't too difficult for me to pick up on it.

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