I can't remember if I talked about this specifically but the biggest issues are when you use cutscenes or single player footage. Mutliplayer should be fine. EA doesn't give blanket permission to monetize, but they do have an email address you can find fairly easily via google if you run into issues.BF3 case. Some can be monetize, some cannot. Wonder why.
You gotta be kidding me??! Lmao so whats the point ima do my long hard research b4 any network gets me Lol B)Here is a quote directly from Vultra CEO:
As I read it, his argument wasn't that you can necessarily just claim Fair Use to put your videos up, it's that networks simply use that defense and can't provide you any additional copyright protections. From what I've read elsewhere, that seems to be the case. This whole "networks have partnerships with all the publishers" line is nonsense. Most of them don't have any partnerships at all and the ones that do only have them with a couple of publishers. They can provide no actual copyright protection to you (as was evidenced when TotalBiscuit got a strike on his channel from Sega Japen.) Maybe I read it wrong but I don't think he was saying that Fair Use is your trump card to get away with using copyrighted footage, just that partnering with a network isn't a one-stop solution to that problem like so many others very wrongly claim.
When you are referring to copyright law "seems to be the case" doesn't fly.
It's written clear as day.
The only good thing about this thread was the three games he listed that allow commercial use of commentary.
Fair enough, my apologies as I clearly misunderstood you.
You are absolutely correct and I wish more people knew and understood what you what just wrote..
I didn't realize you were talking about copyrighted content in whole, whereas gaming footage in specific is against YouTube's TOS.. No-one can monetize video game commentary (contrary to what flammy says) with AdSense.. It's clear as day!