Gaming Gaming Channel YouTube Collab

Yo whats good i dont have the exact same numbers as you but i got mad connections with similar numbers as you. im always hyped and willing to put maximum effort in anything to everything i do. I just made a second channel dedicated to gaming lets plays skits ect. willing to collab and perhaps create a youtube relationship that can take both of us in the 100 K numbers towards the end of this year!
hey I'm down to work with you if you're willing to have me. Connections are always important, am I right?[DOUBLEPOST=1485290316,1485289728][/DOUBLEPOST]Hey I'm down to record with you. I haven't really gotten noticed, not sure why, but you're down, I'd truly like to collab and grow with you.
Hey TheGamersFormula I'm A Small You Tuber I Started Working Serious On YouTube About 2 Weeks Ago And Have Around 45 Sub ATM And I Pretty Much Play Any Pc Game You Can Think Of I'm Down To Collab With You Check Out My YouTube Channel Shurikex MLG And Let Me Know What You Think

My Skype Is Shurikun Bee
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Hey guys im currently looking for other gaming channels who are interested in doing a collab over Youtube to help promote both of our channels. Im looking to share and watch each others videos and also including each others channels on the "Featured Channels" tab on the side of each others channels.
Some of my requirements are

-Have a nice amount of subscribers
-Be willing to share each others videos
-Friendly and looking to help each other

I am currently just over 1220 subs rn and i would prefer people around the same range as me but it wont bother me if you arent and you are still looking to collab with me. If you are interested then kindly respond to the thread here and ill get back to you as soon as possible!
waw to many people ok well if you see this im interested and i know you already i guess not sure but ye
hope you except me