Don'ts of Self Promoting in Yt Comments

Personally, I could never blatantly self promote through commenting; it just doesn't sit right with me. When I do comment, out of genuinely feeling compelled to, I try to keep it between 2 - 4 sentences; pointing out something I liked from said video, or a commonality I've noticed in their content. This has proven extremely fruitful, my subscriber and view rate has greatly improved, and have become friends with some of the channels I regularly comment on! That's a win-win in my books!
I'm sorry, but I find avoid reading comments sounds more effective. It just a waste of time for me to do.
I agree that everything pointed out here is pretty obnoxious, and a lot of it just smacks of being desperate. Whenever I see tasteless self-promotion, I always wonder "Is your content that bad that you need to beg like this?" And on the rare occasion I check out the channels anyway, the answer is usually "Yup!"

On the other hand promotion is a necessity and can sometimes have its place. My rule of thumb is that you have to give in order to get. Promoting your channel or video in forums and other channels for self-serving purposes is no good. But if you truly believe your content a) is of interest to the creator, and b) adds something of value to the dialogue they are setting up with their content, it can be good for both parties.

Something in the spirit of: "I like what you did here. Check out my differing/complementary/humorous take on it for another perspective you might appreciate, and let me know your thoughts." Only less stodgy-sounding.
The only time I pay attention to comments like that is if the guy who links to his channel provides something interesting. E.g. if it's a Let's Play video and he did the same thing but had a completely different approach.
Really liked your self promoting don't rules. Its hard nowdays to get fans because there are just way too many people that want to become youtubers. And most of them don't even try at all. Like people that record their games from a camera looking at their screen playing. I mean who would watch that? :P
I'm really uncomfortable with commenting "Go check out my channel!" on someone else's larger channel because it feels like I'm peddling. I'd rather do that on Social Media and word of mouth. I've been doing good with it so far.
I agree with number 7, I have 14 subscribers and the only comments on my videos so far are "nice video! check out my channel!"

Kind of annoying