Don'ts of Self Promoting in Yt Comments

Don't: promote yourself in youtube comments. That's all there is to it.

Commenting on someone else's youtube video to check out your channel is disrespectful because you're making their video all about you. Instead, use the youtube comments for what they're supposed to be: a place of commentary and discussion related to their video. If you leave comments on a bunch of people's videos and they want to check you out because you just seem interesting, that's great! But there are plenty of other places to promote yourself, there is no need to steal someone else's limelight.

Obviously there are probably people who disagree with this, but I think most people would at least agree that the comment sections of their favorite channels would be more enjoyable without all of the people asking for subs and talking about how awesome they are.
Very nice thread, but honestly I've never seen one self promotion I haven't said to myself, "wow they're rude", but hey maybe that's just me though.
I've actually heard that it's really bad form to promote in someone else's channel/comments. I've been tempted to comment on some of the bigger channels to promote myself but I don't think that I'm enough of an entertainer yet to give people what they want/need. I know it 'should' be more of a community thing meaning to comment over time and progressively have people gain interest in me through my comments.
I'd say just as a general rule, though it may just be a pet peeve, is I don't really like it when people say "Check out my channel" or "Check out my video" because it makes it seem like the rest of the comment, no matter what they have said are just insincere and just there to have people check it out. It usually makes me avoid the channel altogether. But if it is a comment complimenting and saying that they like to play the game, or whatever channel it is, then I will be more inclined to just see if they have good videos.

But then again, I usually see these comments on smaller channels and it just seems to be weird to advertise on such a small channel, like the OP mentioned. :)
Nice tips, but it's really hard to grow your channel unless you start off by commenting on other people's channels. What would be good is commenting on YouTubers' channels that are at about the same sub count as you, and asking them to check out your channel. As long as you return the favor, I don't see anything wrong. For example, subscribing to someone and being active on their channel, and they do the same with you. Eventually you get a long chain of channels, who may or may not spread the word of your channel, and you will then achieve the goal of getting some good channel growth.

It's very important to put out the content your viewers like and enjoy though. If you put all that effort into promotion, and you don't have the good content to back it up- lets just say it won't be good.

Sure, there are numerous other places to grow your channel at the same, or even higher, rate that it is when commenting in the YouTube comment section, and they are perfectly fine too! :)
Bravo. Bravo. Using comments can be very effective without sounding like your just there to self-promote!