Don'ts of Self Promoting in Yt Comments

Really good tips! But seriously number 3!?! Are people really that desperate and low? Just Wow.

Yep there is this one YouTuber who comments on a ton of videos who does this. The same "fan" kept replying to everyone of his comments saying how funny he was. And if that wasn't obvious enough, one day that "fan" accidentally changed their username to the same name as the YouTuber making the comment. He changed it back a few days later.
Yep there is this one YouTuber who comments on a ton of videos who does this. The same "fan" kept replying to everyone of his comments saying how funny he was. And if that wasn't obvious enough, one day that "fan" accidentally changed their username to the same name as the YouTuber making the comment. He changed it back a few days later.
The reason why I'm not sure if I want to start self promoting is because what if in the future I meet the youtubers I was self promoting on. Then it would be really awkward, and they may dislike me for doing so.
In the end self promoting on YouTube is dumb. Because like MinecraftLegaxy said what if you met said person you were promoting on. On top of that the people you're promoting on work hard to make their videos. So why are you trying to take there views away? I mean you're trying to make their video about you kinda of d**k move really. So just leave self promoting to places like here on this forum, Reddit, Twitter, etc etc that way people won't get to mad at you.
Another tip:

If you are using Tube Assist (Youtube CMS of sorts) which will allow you to send your video to people/contacts. Don't use it, I had to find out the hard way that it was actually commenting on peoples videos and linking my video on their comment feed.

It was extremely embarrassing to apologize to all the people that replied. Canceled my subscription to the website as soon as I figured that out and I hate self promotion more than I hate parsley and I really hate parsley! :banghead:
Everything you wrote could have been placed into 1 rule. Rule #1: Don't self promote on anyone else's channel. Simple as that.
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Well, I personally fìi nd them to be common sense, but a reminder every now and then is always good