Do you receive you payments on time from Creative Nation?

  • Yes every time

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • Sometimes

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • Rarely

    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • Never on time

    Votes: 11 52.4%

  • Total voters
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I've found a solicitor nearby their offices on Crane St. If I don't have my payment by Thursday, I will be retaining their services. This is just so insane! I have been such a champion of Shane's and CN's for these past almost 3 years, but the payment issues became unacceptable. I hate for this relationship to end in litigation and by publicly airing my grievances, but @Shane has left me no choice :-(

I cannot believe how long this has gone on for you, it went on for long for us but they really are taking things too far now with not paying on time, they are selecting who they respond to it seems because I have had sporadic replies but when it comes to payment queries they never reply consistently.

I used to recommend people to the network because of their revenue share but I have zero trust in their reliability and in their word now, everything they say I take with a pinch of salt as they have fallen on their faces with each and every promise they have made from paying on a certain date, to releasing a feature for their website to responding when they say they will, they are seemingly incapable of running their MCN to a decent standard of what clients would expect as a bare minimum and are terribly incompetent.

I really hope you get what is owed to you, we are owed direct sales from May although Shane said it was within another payment but I cannot see that myself so I am waiting on a payment breakdown from him this week I will get that apparently. I have heard of others not getting direct sales for May too.
Payment due for me too, may and now june i guess. I never got direct sales, with millions of views monthly.
Yesterday i talked with them through live chat, asking for delayed payment.
Their response:
[8/2/2016 5:24:42 PM] Ryan Connor said:
According to our system, your account was not due payment for May as it has a negative balance.

Lol, really?? negative balance.... when my analytics shows over 2.5k. I told them this must be a bug on their system and they said they would contact me through email......
Payment due for me too, may and now june i guess. I never got direct sales, with millions of views monthly.
Yesterday i talked with them through live chat, asking for delayed payment.
Their response:
[8/2/2016 5:24:42 PM] Ryan Connor said:
According to our system, your account was not due payment for May as it has a negative balance.

Lol, really?? negative balance.... when my analytics shows over 2.5k. I told them this must be a bug on their system and they said they would contact me through email......

You would expect at least some direct sales with those views, do you usually receive those on top of YT revenue?

They mess up all the time we have been paid significantly less before by them, had October 2015 direct sales not paid for the entire network until May 2016 due to the data being missing for that month and all months before it.

@Shane told me May direct sales were mixed in with YT revenue payments but I am not seeing that here myself and I have been told I will get a payment breakdown this week from them, wont hold my breath for it because they tend to never deliver on what they say. Hope you get sorted out too, it is a right joke and I am just glad to be out in 5 days. I certainly believe they are a sinking ship right now with only Shane and Ryan barely able to keep things going.
You would expect at least some direct sales with those views, do you usually receive those on top of YT revenue?

They mess up all the time we have been paid significantly less before by them, had October 2015 direct sales not paid for the entire network until May 2016 due to the data being missing for that month and all months before it.

@Shane told me May direct sales were mixed in with YT revenue payments but I am not seeing that here myself and I have been told I will get a payment breakdown this week from them, wont hold my breath for it because they tend to never deliver on what they say. Hope you get sorted out too, it is a right joke and I am just glad to be out in 5 days. I certainly believe they are a sinking ship right now with only Shane and Ryan barely able to keep things going.
I never received direct sales, just what analytics shows - 10%.
And this time, saying the system shows negative balance......, i am starting to feel upset
I never received direct sales, just what analytics shows - 10%.
And this time, saying the system shows negative balance......, i am starting to feel upset

I wonder if they are only doing direct sales within specific niches if that is the case, when your channel gets millions of views per month they should be selling on them usually. If you are getting that per month and intend to stay with them I suggest you request a higher revenue share too.

I feel the same way for the longest time I never bothered to say anything, I don't like airing stuff like this in public but it felt like the only way to actually get through to Shane and the network, tickets were dead, emailing was pointless and I got banned on their forums for asking about payments in a polite manner so I turned to sharing it here where I know it wont be removed and perhaps grab their attention too.

I am glad people have been able to share their problems with CN here without hassle too and this way others considering them will know that they are best to avoid if you want regular payments and reliability which is very important for most creators. I cannot see them turning it all around now after the staff cuts and a lot of the largest channels unlinking, they are very hard to trust after everything.[DOUBLEPOST=1470239596,1470222264][/DOUBLEPOST]I am very annoyed and upset at the moment, Creative Nation Ryan decided to share our earnings in their public chatroom with another person in the chatroom. I am very angry at their lack of care when sharing personal information, I was waiting on the info being emailed and instead he shares it in chat room, the level of unprofessionalism is ridiculous, I have blurred things out but you can see how much detail he shared, I just cannot believe this.

Yeah it is Shane definitely (I am starting to think CN might have downsized to Shane and Ryan at the moment because I have not seen any other staff at all especially with the downsizing of their office, I am wondering if the MCN side of Creative Nation is being ran from home now with a studio for the Facts channel elsewhere), in the chat he was contacting him for me and got a response back from him within minutes as they use Slack for communication similar to Skype but for teams, surely he should have had an answer for you by now as my query was way less important, Ryan was able to confirm the amounts paid out to me within about 30 mins as he has access to the payments system for outgoing amounts, May direct sales was seemingly mixed in with another months direct sales but performed terribly in May (was told because of the start of a new quarter).

I am still quite shocked and upset by him sharing it like that, I understand people make mistakes but that was just really careless of him. I can imagine that still happening even if the room was full of people.
Next time you see Shane in the forums, tell him to own up to his responsibilities, stop being a coward and get in touch with me. The more I'm looking into and having people look into my case, the rules/laws broken by CN rise.
We are now unlinked, one day early too, now let's hope we don't suffer the same payment problems others are having now over the next payment rounds. I certainly hope they are not deliberately selecting who to pay and who not to because some people have waited a few months to get paid when others have been and have had little to no explanation. It truly is shocking and saddening. CN could have been so much more.
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