Do you receive you payments on time from Creative Nation?

  • Yes every time

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • Sometimes

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • Rarely

    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • Never on time

    Votes: 11 52.4%

  • Total voters
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Yeah, I noticed that on a few other of their partners' channels too. Even on CN's own channels lol. ^^ Could be a SocialBlade bug but I agree it's unusual. :unsure:

I am sure there is more to come. I have already requested to be unlinked I've had enough with CN. I simply don't trust them.
Should I get in this network? Like what is the good thing about joining networks? All you do is give them part of your money for nothing... It makes no sense at all. Or at least that's what I see at first sight from networks.
I would not go with Creative Nation. You don't need to join a network if your Adsense account is in good standing. As for benefits may be higher CPM ads with ads team. I am not the best guy to answer your question. I have limited experience.
Not paid till now for last month
No answer about payments on "tickets,email,fourm and twitter"
@Shane know everything and he donot awnser us
What they are doing if they not paying and not supporting and also not unlink parterners
I need explain from shane and date for paying if they will pay on this month or it will be not paid at all
The Dashboard is now down. It is now not possible to access anything but the forums. Shane mentions in a post we will all be invited to the new system. I really hope this does not take too long. The message was posted in the forums on Saturday at 6 pm.
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Shane said the platform transfer will be on i hope it will go back this week .[DOUBLEPOST=1470007414,1469923062][/DOUBLEPOST]Their Website says they will come back online Next week !
Anyone wanting to unlink needs to email them directly rather than press the unlink button in the YT dashboard as their dashboard for making a ticket is down. are the two best emails to send one in to, they should acknowledge your request this way, once their dashboard is up I would send them a ticket requesting to unlink and mention the email sent into them during the dashboard down time.

It is laughable how what they say is rarely the actual case, "We will be back in June" come the end of the July "We will be back next week" I wouldn't hold your breath lol
Hi all. I am also owed for May and now June is due. I spoke with Currency Fair this morning and they informed me that there is no payment pending for me despite what i was told by Shane on 7/25. According to him my May Adsense payment was being fixed and the June payments had been submitted to Currency Fair and we should have gotten the email notifications last Thursday or Friday.

I have informed his YT MCN rep of the situation. I know they don't get involved in disputes between creators and their networks, but I wanted to make sure they are aware of the situation. If I am able to get any kind of a response from Shane, I will update you here.
Hi everyone, new update! There moving out of their expensive office in Dubin. Plus Support delays. I have included screenshot below.


  • Slower Support on Friday 5th & Monday 8th - Creative Nation News & Announcements.png
    Slower Support on Friday 5th & Monday 8th - Creative Nation News & Announcements.png
    27.6 KB · Views: 20
I've found a solicitor nearby their offices on Crane St. If I don't have my payment by Thursday, I will be retaining their services. This is just so insane! I have been such a champion of Shane's and CN's for these past almost 3 years, but the payment issues became unacceptable. I hate for this relationship to end in litigation and by publicly airing my grievances, but @Shane has left me no choice :-(
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