Do you receive you payments on time from Creative Nation?

  • Yes every time

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • Sometimes

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • Rarely

    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • Never on time

    Votes: 11 52.4%

  • Total voters
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Sounds like a game at the fairground. You have to hit 3 coconuts over or you don't get paid. :D

LOL 3, it feels like 20 :down:

Still nothing it seems like we need to go through a whole ID process which will take at least until tomorrow and at this point we have had zero email from Currency Fair and Shane has not gotten back to me on the call back he was meant to receive from them. No wonder people just use Adsense, it is a faff on every month chasing payments and now having a third party adding to it :rolleyes:

It is so hard to know where you stand, you feel like you are wasting your time, I wonder how many other bank transfers this month have had the same issues.[DOUBLEPOST=1468484869,1468435907][/DOUBLEPOST]We have found out from Currency Fair today that in order for us to receive anything from CNation they need to have the funds deposited into Currency Fair and then send them onto our bank from there, @Shane has been telling us for the past week nearly to expect an email from them and then proceed to claim the funds that were "sent". So it appears that he hasnt sent the money in the first place as they require an account with them and Shane would have needed our Currency Fair ID to send us the funds.

Here is a copy of the email for anyone interested, I know some of their bank transfer partners are waiting on theirs so this might help:

I think there may be some confusion here. Creative Nation MCN Limited would not be able to send money to your CurrencyFair account without you providing them with your CurrencyFair ID so that our payments team could reference the payment and add it to your account.

I am not sure as to why you think you should be receiving an email from us when your account is not fully activated yet and you do not appear to have supplied Creative Nation MCN Limited with your CurrencyFair ID.

In relation to getting your account activated, We must receive one form of photo ID in order to proceed. We are unable to activate accounts unless our customer can provide at least one form of photo ID. Can you please upload either a copy of your passport or drivers licence please?

What makes this even worse is that they need photo ID and we don't have it and have sent them multiple documents with an electric bill, council tax bill, a HMRC tax assessment letter and another government issued letter all of which have been used to open a bank here in the UK in the past without any issues and Currency Fair are saying they do not suffice and photo ID is what they need.

What a complete joke, how unreliable can they really be! Things just keep getting worse with them and still no payments for bank transfer partners a week after the proper payment date and here we are at another weekend coming soon where no progress is made.


I will keep everyone updated in this thread with any new information until this is resolved.[DOUBLEPOST=1468485093][/DOUBLEPOST]Seemingly @Shane missed this in their FAQ:

How does the exchange process actually work?

First you send funds to your CurrencyFair account. You then convert these funds by matching with other customers on our Marketplace (or via QuickTrade), and finally you instruct us to transfer those funds out to a beneficiary bank account around the world. It’s very simple, but please call us if you would like us to run through the process over the phone.
[DOUBLEPOST=1468494974][/DOUBLEPOST]An update, it seems that Shane has gone quiet again and is no longer responding to emails or support tickets. People in their cnation chat room have said that it seems Shane needs to send the funds to each partners bank from Currency Fair which Shane seemed oblivious to doing the other day as if we would receive an email to then go on and claim our money.[DOUBLEPOST=1468500801][/DOUBLEPOST]A Ryan has replied to my emails with:


Can you please check your spam filters for this email?

Support Team

As if it isn't clear enough that Currency Fair dont send emails, CN clearly need to send the payments manually from their CF account funds.[DOUBLEPOST=1468503229][/DOUBLEPOST]Well he has been able to post today on their forums and reply to a basic query:

Nothing heard back from him to my several emails or tickets. Definitely feels like I am being ignored yet again because they have messed up and dont have answers to give.[DOUBLEPOST=1468509238][/DOUBLEPOST]Closing time soon and no answers just see Shane popping in and out of his chatroom and not helping via tickets, emails etc what a timewaster I don't have the time to sit on his chatroom all day for a response.[DOUBLEPOST=1468517773][/DOUBLEPOST]Well we have come to the end of a working day with CN again and not one step forward, no response from @Shane via tickets or emails. :down:
It's almost sad to see how far CN has fallen. When I joined the network in 2014, it had some serious potential to be one of the better networks out there. The first year was great. The payments were on time and my support messages were answered in a reasonable amount of time. Since mid-2015 though, it's been bad. Payments have almost never been on time and my support inquiries are generally not answered. The latest is that I've tried to unlink and it looks like my requests through the dashboard have been denied and the support team has not replied to me. It's become quite frustrating.

Hopefully they get their s**t together soon.
Mine was accepted after one day of request. You may need to make another request. Did you leave a request also in the forms? I think Shane replies to them.
Still no payment here, it is meant to be awaiting payee action on their end but we have had no email through so he needs to chase it with Currency Fair, I have only been able to catch Shane through the chat on their forum recently, no emails or tickets.
I'm sorry to hear you are still going thru this Micheal. I have been recommending other people with issues to hide out in chat for Shane.
I'm sorry to hear you are still going thru this Micheal. I have been recommending other people with issues to hide out in chat for Shane.
Thanks for the support, yeah it is very frustrating, I will likely be camped there until we receive it, I stay in there when my PC is on which is most of the day :)
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