Do you receive you payments on time from Creative Nation?

  • Yes every time

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • Sometimes

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • Rarely

    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • Never on time

    Votes: 11 52.4%

  • Total voters
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I've been away for a bit and see that nothing has changed. It's nearly September and their website is still down. So much for a mid-June deadline. The forums are still full of posts with people asking to be unlinked, and Shane looks like he has disappeared. This could go on for months! I have also noticed a few of the people that were white knighting for Creative Nation have gone silent as well. It is disgusting how Creative Nation are treating its current and former members. I hope you all get paid soon.
Time to air my dirty laundry in public for the second month in a row. Still not paid for June revenue and I have partners still waiting for May. My posts get deleted. I get lied to by Ryan. They have completely fallen apart at this point. @Shane

It seems like you are just being given the run around with this, we got paid this morning for July surprisingly (I hate to even mention that with them crapping on everyone else at this point), I am getting them to send us some proof of earnings though because they seem lower than expected but just to make sure. Thankfully my other channel has been unlinked on time this morning too.

I had the same treatment on the CN forums when just asking about when we would get paid, I was polite, it was a simple question and I got silenced with a 1 week ban by Ronan back when he was the payments manager. You cannot ask anything over there without worrying about being banned. I really hope you get paid soon as well your partners, I cannot imagine how much stress they have caused with all of this.

@Mommy i got my june rev in august (which is too long to wait if you ask me) when i'm unlinked from the network i'm scared i'll never see that money ever :(

We unlinked and we have been paid but in Mommy's case it is as if they are not paying out as a form of punishment, I cannot see any other reason why unless they have been dipping into partner revenue to pay for the MCN running costs. That is speculation, I really don't know but something is up here, perhaps @Shane can clarify what is actually happening here and why some are being paid and some not at all. Surely there must be a reason.

I don't think Ryan is even a real person lol..

Lol that would be hilarious, given how things have been with the staff layoffs I would not be surprised. I do get the feeling CN is a one man band at times or is at least ran like a struggling one. Perfect story that would be, Ryan an intern from the USA haha (just so he can disappear again easily lol)

I've been away for a bit and see that nothing has changed. It's nearly September and their website is still down. So much for a mid-June deadline. The forums are still full of posts with people asking to be unlinked, and Shane looks like he has disappeared. This could go on for months! I have also noticed a few of the people that were white knighting for Creative Nation have gone silent as well. It is disgusting how Creative Nation are treating its current and former members. I hope you all get paid soon.

The only progress I see is the Creator Suite being released but then that is hardly progress when it should be have been out ages ago now and it is still a very basic dashboard. Apparently unlinking is only manual where someone requests it, then they set it to unlink in 30 days from then automatically. I got one unlinked this morning thankfully, I wonder why many aren't being processed.

I haven't heard from Shane in a while now, I caught him in their chat room when asking about this payment round around a week ago, so it seems bank transfers will have gone out for July earnings, hopefully that will be for everyone.

Lol yeah the white knights are pretty blind, they see so many complaints about CN right in front of them, people not getting paid (seems to be selective who will be or wont be) and ignored and they are like "I trust them" I cannot believe that anyone in the right mind would right now and I don't understand why anyone would suck up to them.

They have lost all trust from myself and I would be shocked if anyone really has much faith left in them after seeing the state of things as they are.
They post this on twitter :

Should you need quick support, four live chat is now online every day from 12pm - 12am (GMT) / 7am - 7pm (EST) / 4am - 4pm (PST)!

I still didnt get paid even i am using Paypal..But we still have few days !
We unlinked and we have been paid but in Mommy's case it is as if they are not paying out as a form of punishment, I cannot see any other reason why unless they have been dipping into partner revenue to pay for the MCN running costs. That is speculation, I really don't know but something is up here, perhaps @Shane can clarify what is actually happening here and why some are being paid and some not at all. Surely there must be a reason.

when you unlinked did they give you the payment right away? or did you have to wait another 3 months lmao
it's just stressful, every other network i know payed right away.
I partnered with CN because I knew it was no contract, like great whatever. I wasn't making money at first with the network, but now that I am I need to get out. I'd have far more sympathy if they actually had a working website to offer, or could actually give you your payments on time. When I was with fullscreen payments were there every month, website always worked, and was put in with sponsorships and other great options. The only downfall is with fullscreen you're generally locked in with a two year contract.

Kind of just posting this here to warn people, they catch you with the no contract, and f**k you with everything.
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