Common issues that keep you under 1,000 subscribers

I just gained about 7-8 subs (can't tell, analytics is acting VERY strange right now) In one week. Is that unnatural for an entirely new channel that started one week ago? I didn't advertise except for one person I told about it who did not tell anyone else... Hmmm right?

Edit: it's not the one in the signature, I haven't started gaming yet. But it's called Vloreog, and I think I'm becoming a bit better at the camera than before. I SUUUUCKED at the first one, and at the fifth(or sixth) I'm doing pretty well considering the last time
Could it be that your friend has been sharing them on facebook and stuff? Also could be very good content :P
Good points. They seem so basic and simple yet so overlooked. Promotion is probably the number 1 reason I think people do not get a lot of subs. That's coming from someone who doesnt have a lot, yet gained 100 fast with just promoting on facebook and snapchat. My channel is nothing to be amazed about but I also do not focus much time on it due to my college classes this semster.
This is crazy to see you here; I literally spent the last 3 days watching, studying and utilizing the advice in your videos.

Anyway! These are all extremely valid points, ones that I've tried to convey nicely to other YouTubers on these forums. Unfortunately, it takes a lot of stern advice to get most of these people to sway from these "copy ____, get big" attitudes.

Thanks for the awesome information you provide, Tim. Look forward to following your videos in the future![DOUBLEPOST=1425258917,1425258170][/DOUBLEPOST]As a tip, I'm only on 440 subscribers (Can't seem to break the 440-500 mark, just came back after a 9 month hiatus though) - but I've found that the most "common" ways of promoting are ineffective when starting off.

People seem to think that posting on your Facebook Page & sending out a few tweets will get your video some traction? That's wrong, unless you use it properly. It's important to use correct tags in posts on other social networks, but the key to getting anywhere with external promotion is interaction; get involved in the communities and followings of the hashtags you are using.

For example; I commonly use #IndieGames and #LetsPlay in my posts. These were good, but no one clicked through. Then I started communicating and interacting with other people using those tags, sharing advice and opinions and eventually building strong connections and friendships with these people.

90% of my YouTube friends were met through social media platforms, so it's definitely a great way to build a loyal fanbase. You need to show them you're a human, and that your videos will reflect your personality online.

Build a connection, and it'll definitely encourage click-throughs to your content.

That's a great point. Networking is key... and something that I know pretty much nothing about... or something, I know I'm not good at it.[DOUBLEPOST=1474392270][/DOUBLEPOST]Never been an "ad man"... (and I know I don't technically need to have been, but you get what I'm saying) how does one go about promoting themselves? Where and how do you start. It's all well and good to say "you need to do this" but there are some people that have no clue how to, or even where to start.
I suppose it comes with your experience and willingness to evolve into a great youtuber, you need to find a method that works, and once you got that just keep on improving..
Tim I love you bro. It isn't too many people out there that generally likes to help people! I wanted to know how much can I pay you to critique my channel? I been doing YouTube for 3 years and I only have 55 subs. It's pretty embarrassing. I had a childhood friend tell me that my thumbnails are bad. But I really feel like it is the branding thing that you mentioned. Any of your support will be great! I generally want to build a big gaming community that is free of all the online drama and bullying. A community where I can be active and have discussions with my viewers. I work over night so I don't really have a social life. :-) Looking to make some YouTube buddies! Kind of sad really...
definitely some valid points but maybe you should answer the rhetorical questions like the thumbnails why don't you give them a link to a program that allows them to create thumbnails or maybe reference to use certain programs and explain how you make your videos in depth etc.