82 Subs...Does it really get easier after 100?

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I'm late but from my experience it's different for everybody. Some friends that reached 100 subscribers, there channel took off, within what felt like a week, bam! 1000 subscribers.

Others like myself and a few others have reached the triple digit subscriber club and it's still just as hard getting views on my videos and getting subscribers. My channel still grows slowly at about maybe 1-2 subscribers every 3 weeks or so?
I think I have the right to get mad over this. Your titles are horrendous - nobody would ever click on something with no capitalization or a sentence fragment. For a Call of Duty video, these are your tags - Games Blog webcam Idiot tutorials. You honestly wonder how nobody finds you?
fair point, between that and my honestly abysmal upload schedule i totally understand my stagnancy
I gained my first 100 in over a year, less than 1 year later I hit a thousand, now almost another year has gone by and I'm about to hit 3000.
It never gets 'easier' but it does grow quicker.

Like an infection, when a few people have it, it spreads slowly, but the more people who have it, the quicker it spreads, however the symptoms are always the same.
Yes! it's hard getting your first 100. Actually, I was pretty 'down' when I was under 100 as I was comparing with others. It went to a point that I was comparing Youtube veterans and people not related to my niche. LOL.

BUT! Once I stopped comparing others, I started to focus on my own channel -the content, filming, etc. Then I gained my 100 (even without realizing). When I reached my 100, I said to myself, well, I now want 500, so what can I do? Etc. Best advice is focus on your content, quality, etc. Don't compare others and stop 'counting' and waiting for your 100 subbies. :)
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