82 Subs...Does it really get easier after 100?

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I go through an hour of footage and cut it down. Add GIFs. Add pictures. Add effects. And edit the audio. My LP is good quality. Filled with jump cuts. To keep getting "Boring" to a minimal. I have separated myself from other LPers. I didn't ask for an opinion on my channel. Thanks.
You should be open to criticism without becoming sour.
It does not !
Earning subs for a LP channel is just as hard as ever... Every time a game has been finish, it's like you start all over again. Subs that has come for that game won't even bother to watch your other video. Except those who are staying beacause they love YOU !

Try to keep a constant type of game on your channel to keep those subs !
Playing Outlast ? Play amnesia or some indie horror game.

Playing BF4 ? Play Titanfall, and Bioshock etc
It does not !
Earning subs for a LP channel is just as hard as ever... Every time a game has been finish, it's like you start all over again. Subs that has come for that game won't even bother to watch your other video. Except those who are staying beacause they love YOU !

Try to keep a constant type of game on your channel to keep those subs !
Playing Outlast ? Play amnesia or some indie horror game.

Playing BF4 ? Play Titanfall, and Bioshock etc
Playing Minecraft? Play more Minecraft!
Lol, sorry just had to! :p
I've been stuck around the 85 sub mark since January, with a few temporary spikes and dips. It's been a bit disheartening but I recently gained two more subs who appear to be sticking around, so that's boosted my mood a bit. I doubt it'll get much easier after I hit 100 but I do I'm going to treat myself to something nice.
It doesn't just get magically easier, some people though, who reach 100 usually find their subs and views start to grow faster.
OK... you got a bit mean earlier when someone mentioned stuff about your channel that might make it hard for people to stay engaged...and I don't want to get bitched at for going into specifics...so...my advice is to go look at your channel from the unsubscribed point of view (in particular watch the video that's featured at the top there) and see if you can figure out any reasons why people might want to close the window. Then fix it.

My channel is a work in progress, and I know it's not perfect. But that's what I do every month. Just go to my channel and look for problems.
it took nearly 2 years to get me to 100 subs, but within a month i was nearly halfway to the next hundred.

now people have unsubbed and im stuck at 125... have been for weeks now. its annoying
it took nearly 2 years to get me to 100 subs, but within a month i was nearly halfway to the next hundred.

now people have unsubbed and im stuck at 125... have been for weeks now. its annoying
I think I have the right to get mad over this. Your titles are horrendous - nobody would ever click on something with no capitalization or a sentence fragment. For a Call of Duty video, these are your tags - Games Blog webcam Idiot tutorials. You honestly wonder how nobody finds you?
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