2013 LAYOUT THREAD (all posts about the new layout go here)

I've just taken it down from 256 colours to like 126 colours and it's at 446mb.. and uploaded with better quality then the JPEG. That'll do for now, I have college and don't have time to waste on youtubes silly layout change :')
Just checked out your banner and I must agree. The PNG-8 compression worked pretty well for your design. Awesome!
Just checked out your banner and I must agree. The PNG-8 compression worked pretty well for your design. Awesome!
yer it was only a simple design, I did have to remove a few images to get down to the 1mb mark and I haven't added them back yet.. but I'll do that after college :)
Not sure where I should post this but clearly youtube/google are idiots! they expect us to upload something which is like 2100x1100 but keep it under a MB??

my problem - .PNG is 1.24mb and it needs to be 1mb-, how can I achieve this because ATM I'm using a .Jpeg so I have something on my channel.. really want my nice quality PNG though!

EDIT: I managed to compress it to around 700KB.. uploaded it.. it's still to large? you have to be kidding me!!
Easily... my files never go over a MB, don`t use any stock footage.
I am trying to upload the header that was made for me, and I've triple checked the dimensions, they're exactly what the recommended size is. But it keeps telling me to 'shrink' my image as it's too large!

Ideas? It's really annoying!