2013 LAYOUT THREAD (all posts about the new layout go here)

No turns out when you are subbed nothing autoplays for anyone; there is no option for it, it seems. Oh well I have it on good authority that it doesn't affect your video views at all, so I am not overly bothered about that. My idea is (since most video views are from either non subbed or non account people) put my newest video as my 'trailer', so that newcomers to my channel always see the latest video, and can choose to subscribe if they want! (that way if they pop back a few times before they decide to sub or not I figure they're not always subjected to the same trailer over and over)
Ah, ok then. That's a pretty good idea ^_^
Ok so I was on vacation while the whole Change occurred and I admit I was lazy.. So now I am back.. Where is the option to do the one channel thing and how do you set it up and also add the fun and exciting Trailer Thing for non-subscribers?
I moved to the new layout, excited to setup my links for the new YT banner, and found out, YOU CAN ONLY USE ONE LINK(4 Social Media links, but I don't need those). I went from 4 links in my banner to one.

This sucks, I cannot get traffic to my blog AND sell my binaurals on my channel, I just have to choose one.
Yup it does, Andrew, now someone will come in here and tell you how cool that is, you just don't know it yet. ;) That's the part most I'll miss most is the ability to link to anything in the banner area of the old backgrounds. I wish that had a least kept that ability. Oh well, we'll just have to get creative somehow.