2013 LAYOUT THREAD (all posts about the new layout go here)

I'm so mad about this. I can no longer link my google form for designs AND my second channel. This rollout is their worst. So man bugs and other problems
I feel your pain brotha, They come to us, saying they bear gifts of Uniqueness, and improved marketing BS, and we end up with one link, and a tiny banner, and all pages look the same, homepage, view page, channel page, s**t, I don't even know where I am on YT anymore lol >_>
I moved to the new layout, excited to setup my links for the new YT banner, and found out, YOU CAN ONLY USE ONE LINK(4 Social Media links, but I don't need those). I went from 4 links in my banner to one.

This sucks, I cannot get traffic to my blog AND sell my binaurals on my channel, I just have to choose one.
Link to a hub on your blog with a list of all your links.

Thats all I can think of.
Go to your about page, click edit links, add a new link (put your Blogger site link) and click Blogger in the drop down.

It will work.