2013 LAYOUT THREAD (all posts about the new layout go here)

I moved to the new layout, excited to setup my links for the new YT banner, and found out, YOU CAN ONLY USE ONE LINK(4 Social Media links, but I don't need those). I went from 4 links in my banner to one.

This sucks, I cannot get traffic to my blog AND sell my binaurals on my channel, I just have to choose one.
That does seem kind of odd. I actually doubt they'll leave it that way, as so many people used and even relied on that feature for so many purposes.
I'm so mad about this. I can no longer link my google form for designs AND my second channel. This rollout is their worst. So man bugs and other problems
They allow Twitter and Facebook links but as for third-party, or even YT links, I only see one... I hope they fix that.