2013 LAYOUT THREAD (all posts about the new layout go here)

This new layout sucks major a**, your featured video is awfully small, so is the banner and it just wants to pour out so many info on you as it can. Old one is a lot better.
I HATE this new layout!!! I send feedback on youtube with my opinion, I suggest you do the same if you don't want the youtube layout change, maybe it will make a difference, and if not.. well, youtube will change it again in a few month, and again after that, like they always do

I miss the old yellow subscribe button and the stars rating... Why did Google buy YouTube, they try to force us to use google+... This is YouTube not GoogleTube&NobodyLikesMeGoogle+
I HATE this new layout!!! I send feedback on youtube with my opinion, I suggest you do the same if you don't want the youtube layout change, maybe it will make a difference, and if not.. well, youtube will change it again in a few month, and again after that, like they always do

I miss the old yellow subscribe button and the stars rating... Why did Google buy YouTube, they try to force us to use google+... This is YouTube not GoogleTube&NobodyLikesMeGoogle+

it's amazing
I embraced it but I really miss my old branding. Thinking of reverting. It's not even too obvious that I'm partnered anymore, and it makes my Fiverr traffic gig a little harder to follow.