2013 LAYOUT THREAD (all posts about the new layout go here)

It's not really a issue it's just that when someone without an channel subscribes to you. They still receive email updates when you upload a video. It's just that they aren't visible until they make an channel. The reason you can't see them is basically because they don't have a username. Do you get what I mean?

Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. I'm on another forum. I get so many updates on this issue, I've stopped reading them. EVERYONE is complaining that they "can't see all their subscribers". They believe it's because of a privacy setting. I believe it's because they don't have a username/channel because when I created the account for my mom, for instance, her name didn't show up on my subscriber list until I created a username for her.

Some of them are concerned because now they don't have a full list of subscribers when doing giveaways.
i`m a bit more concern abot the channels that get errased ... i still have a channel for example that is deleted and i still have it in my list and i can`t get rid of it
Honestly I am sick of them changing how the layouts work. Starting to dislike youtube more and more. Less and less customization as time goes on.....
ok so the stats weer released ppl are wathcing up to about 74% more youtube then last year and more in comparison then TV but my worry is tat in time youtube will turn in to TV and soon we will have no open creative posibility what so ever ... first it was the copyright thing that in a way it was good bcuz of content stealing but now its on about the constant less costumization of the channel posibility and then whats gona be next ?
ok so the stats weer released ppl are wathcing up to about 74% more youtube then last year and more in comparison then TV but my worry is tat in time youtube will turn in to TV and soon we will have no open creative posibility what so ever ... first it was the copyright thing that in a way it was good bcuz of content stealing but now its on about the constant less costumization of the channel posibility and then whats gona be next ?
next is paying to subscribe to youtube channels... there are rumors that this will go into effect at some point.
next is paying to subscribe to youtube channels... there are rumors that this will go into effect at some point.
no lol ... what i`ve heard is that youtube got a TOO BIG NGATIVE RESPONSE and a too big drop ratio on the unique views statistics when they sed that theyr gona make it viable so they decided to not do it in the end ... not sure if its true but i`m really hoping that its not gona happen bcz think of this ... pay to see yotbe ... its just too money greedy
I am not too keen at all on the new layout, however sometimes change is good and it's good to keep us on our toes. Only thing I need to worry about is get a GFX guy to do a banner for me so it isn't too much hassle with the switchover. When I get that done I will undoubtedly be moving to the new format.
I am probably one of the few that kinda like the new layout. I admit, it's much better for the viewer/subscriber, it's more attractive, sleek, cool, and for the user it can be difficult to work and navigate, but I thought the old layout was a bit bland, then new one of more to the point, attractive but compact.