2013 LAYOUT THREAD (all posts about the new layout go here)

Hello everybody,

Is there any way of keeping the Unsubscriber view the same as the Subscriber view? Just like in the "old" days of having a standardised Featured video for all visitors.
aw thankyou! i dont have the actual like photoshop file he used, all i have is the actual image he sent me, im not sure if you would be able to do anything with that tho :/
Also, I got so bored , that I made an intro for you xD I just messed around in Premiere Pro and kinda came up with an intro for you xD I think the easiest way for you to get it, if you want, is thru skype. :) OR I can upload it to dropbox and give you the link :)
Woah, i didn't expect it at all, but my views SKYROCKETED after the new layout! I wouldn't expect so many people subscribing to me during a single week (Around 50 more subscribers!)
Also, I got so bored , that I made an intro for you xD I just messed around in Premiere Pro and kinda came up with an intro for you xD I think the easiest way for you to get it, if you want, is thru skype. :) OR I can upload it to dropbox and give you the link :)
omg seriosly O_O im adding you on skype now :eek:
xx <3
I'm not sure if this has been addressed in any thread yet, but I've heard a lot of complaints (including my own) that we can't all our subscribers. Some feedback has been that it's a privacy setting thing. But I personally know some of my subscribers. They subscribed. I got an alert that I had a new subscriber, but the person doesn't have a an YT channel so they will not be visible. I asked that my friends go the extra step and click on "create a channel" - as soon as they did, they became visible on my subscriber list.

Does the new layout have this issue?
I'm not sure if this has been addressed in any thread yet, but I've heard a lot of complaints (including my own) that we can't all our subscribers. Some feedback has been that it's a privacy setting thing. But I personally know some of my subscribers. They subscribed. I got an alert that I had a new subscriber, but the person doesn't have a an YT channel so they will not be visible. I asked that my friends go the extra step and click on "create a channel" - as soon as they did, they became visible on my subscriber list.

Does the new layout have this issue?
It's not really a issue it's just that when someone without an channel subscribes to you. They still receive email updates when you upload a video. It's just that they aren't visible until they make an channel. The reason you can't see them is basically because they don't have a username. Do you get what I mean?