Gaming Youtube Team Starting Now (XBOX ONE)

First things first id like to introduce myself....
My Name is KayeJaye, But you can call me Kaye for Short.. or call me 5'7 cause i am short. If your a lady then you can just call me "Tonight." :) *cringe alert* .....Anyways Im 22, Born In Virginia, But Stay in North Carolina. I am currently in college and working but i play games ALOT! Probably More than i should... Id say a very Unhealthy amount. I love to be around entertaining people with different personalities and also people who can joke around and not feel no type of way about it.

I guess this is the part where i list the games that i have.....?
I Have wayyyy Too many so ill list my main ones

Battlfield 1
Gta V
Black Ops 3
Rainbow Six Siege
*Gears Of War 4* (Love This Game) :)
Destiny 2
Call Of Duty World War 2
Star Wars Battlefront 1 &2

Etc... You Get the Point

Wanna Inform Me in the great news about you joining My Youtube Team!!??
DM On Insta Or Twitter @Kaye2DaJaye Or Hmu on XBL @ OmgItsKayee

If you have time, hows about a taste of my content?? Click the link.. I may have you hooked (Definitely watch RageTage #3) :) See Ya!
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Hi I would like to collab i am a small youtube and would like to join skype: tomfox356
twitter: GiganticVIds Xbox: GAMINGMASTER916 instrgram: giganticvids