YouTube Rewind 2016 Upload Date!


Well-Known Member
So on the YouTube Twitter they tweeted "Just going to leave this here... #Rewind2016" with a picture of some seemingly random things lined up, but if you look, these objects spell out "DEC 7 2016".

So, mark the date! Rewind 2016 will be out on the 7th of December!
Can't say that I really care, considering how they kicked some people off the rewind list due to not "willingly" supporting Clinton in the election, which was a ridiculous thing to do as a company.
Can't say that I really care, considering how they kicked some people off the rewind list due to not "willingly" supporting Clinton in the election, which was a ridiculous thing to do as a company.
Do you have a source for that ?
It sounds too ridiculous to be true - this would be a dangerous thing to do.
A search enginge and news source that wants to push an ideology is crazyly scary considering the influence the search results of google have.
Do you have a source for that ?
It sounds too ridiculous to be true - this would be a dangerous thing to do.
A search enginge and news source that wants to push an ideology is crazyly scary considering the influence the search results of google have.
Don't remember which video it was in, but Philly D, big media news youtube guy, he merely mentioned it in one video how YouTube removed him off the rewind due to his comments about not supporting either candidate in the election (this was sometime after Neistat's "VOTE for Hillary or else..." video. ) prior to this he was scheduled to be on the roster for the rewind, but apparently the big guys didn't like it. He didn't go into more details since he is under contract by his network and all that, but it's a pretty clear-cut thing imo.
Don't remember which video it was in, but Philly D, big media news youtube guy, he merely mentioned it in one video how YouTube removed him off the rewind due to his comments about not supporting either candidate in the election (this was sometime after Neistat's "VOTE for Hillary or else..." video. ) prior to this he was scheduled to be on the roster for the rewind, but apparently the big guys didn't like it. He didn't go into more details since he is under contract by his network and all that, but it's a pretty clear-cut thing imo.
I think its quite obvious that silicon valley companys are democraticly orientated as most influencial people there are californian/NY liberals and both parties are equally corporatist.
But using the great influence Alphabet has on the western society political is reprehensible.
Ah whatever, rewind didn´t bother me too much anyways since i don´t know most of the youtube celebs
I always look forward to the YouTube Rewind vids!! They're usually a lot of fun and I get to see loads of my faves in one video

Lets hope this ones good!
Rewind is out.

It was pretty cool for the most part, to me it looks extremely high budget but lacks the "personal" touch it used to have.

Good chunk of creators are pretty angry about it too on Twitter.
Rewind is out.

It was pretty cool for the most part, to me it looks extremely high budget but lacks the "personal" touch it used to have.

Good chunk of creators are pretty angry about it too on Twitter.
Didn´t you said that you don´t care about it ?

So i watched it now. And it seems all well intended but it just doesn´t feel as cool as the older ones.
Maybe me being 16 is the problem as im 4 years to old for this youtube stars s**t or maybe because i thought the trends like dabbing and water bottle challenge were just cringy....
A lot of cool ideas, great visual effects and all, but it takes itself to serious and doesn´t really develope anything. As soon as i get invested it cuts or has one of these cringy bridges.