YouTube is Removing Videos - Are You Affected?

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Those of you getting your skits demonetized, are they completely original (story and characters)? Our channel is 95% skits and nothing's been demonetized. Our skits are completely original and we don't rip off trademarked characters or anything like that.

That being said, it certainly would appear YT doesn't generally reward completely original kids content and I can see why it would be avoided by creators looking to make money on the platform.

So, at first we received the yellow sign. It was an original skit that included a toy review for a Spiderman toy. I requested for a review and they did eventually approve monetization after a week.
Wow! You hit the nail right on the head, that is exactly the problem that I am having now as it has become very costly to stay on top of all the new toys when we are still a very new and small channel. We honestly feel a little lost right now with our channel because we don't know if we can keep up with big channels posting the new toys daily, and there are only so many toys! We might try to focus on a niche like trains and cars with pretend play. I noticed that the Naiah and Elli Show opened a new channel based on playing with dolls. I am wondering if they are branching out from their main channel now as well with all the changes. Kiddie Toys Review we have learned so much from you over the past few months, thanks for giving such good insight. It helps when you feel like your on your own island as a small channel.

Naiah and Elli are branching out with dolls, however doll channels are being hit as well. For all intensive purposes, dolls now have to be treated as babies and kids (this was confirmed by Yt reps). So while before some channels had lots of poop and nappy changes and vomit and bathing and swimming pools and all that stuff with dolls, it may not be possible to monetize those going forward. One is now severely restricted with doll based storylines as well.

Yep i had the same issue with toys when we started. I think we got about 8 or 9 Thomas sets, at least $600 for all that. With videos making $10-$50 if you're lucky, we ran up a serious negative credit card balance. I was lucky that we could reuse many of the trains once the 'thomas accidents will happen" trends took off. So right now with how things stand, it's very hard to know what to film that can monetize and get decent traffic. The two are generally at odds - what gets the most traffic is way-out-there edgy stuff, but you can't monetize it. If you do safe ABC songs you've got two obstacles - the first is the millions of others on there, the second is it's hard to build traffic and get an audience. This unfortunately is the new Yt. Time will hopefully tell how to proceed....
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I think there may be a place for skits, but they need to be in line with the new guidelines. Your videos may be looked at when you get a jump in traffic. Some other channels have reported videos being green a day prior to live (on private) and then on live, but once the traffic ramps up they are yellowed. Simply due to the volume of videos the system has to work through, there may be traffic levels that need to be triggered before the AI scans the video. It's conjecture, since Yt is a secret squirrel, but it's the best working scenario we've got.[DOUBLEPOST=1513605375,1513605254][/DOUBLEPOST]

Skits can have a wide interpretation. You can have an educational skit, although no one would probably watch it. Ye it seems best to stay away from all trademarked properties, unless you're a content farm based out of vietnam, those seem to be getting away with lots of weird stuff. Toy reviews are safe, but they run the bank account down to zero fairly quickly. You need to get at least 200,000 views on a video to break even on the cost of toys and production (at current CPM rates for kids channels). The thing that gets me with toys review is to keep up with the big boys and girls, you need all the latest toys, and some of those are seriously expensive. Otherwise the low views from non-popular toys make the channel unsustainable (unless of course it's a hobby and there are other sources of greenbacks or roubles or whatever).

Did you see Blippi channel? He found good way to presint educational material in funny form. May be his style will work for kids channels too.
I started off with a toy channel, but realized it was not for me, cost and time wise. Cost really. However, being a newbie on YT trying to make it as a business and not just for fun as most YT creators say they did in the beginning, I switched to reading aloud---books. Not toy channel money but I enjoy it. However, I have reached the 10k views in order to get reviewed to be approved for monetization 2 weeks ago and no approval notice yet. I was told by another Youtuber that it's a storm brewing and channels are being thrown down the drain. 100k plus and maybe they are looking over all my uploads to make sure I am not next so to speak. Any advice, because clearly I haven't made a dime yet.
I started off with a toy channel, but realized it was not for me, cost and time wise. Cost really. However, being a newbie on YT trying to make it as a business and not just for fun as most YT creators say they did in the beginning, I switched to reading aloud---books. Not toy channel money but I enjoy it. However, I have reached the 10k views in order to get reviewed to be approved for monetization 2 weeks ago and no approval notice yet. I was told by another Youtuber that it's a storm brewing and channels are being thrown down the drain. 100k plus and maybe they are looking over all my uploads to make sure I am not next so to speak. Any advice, because clearly I haven't made a dime yet.
I have heard from others that it's taking a long time to get their channels approved. Some have said that it's been over 30 days. In terms of your reading books aloud niche, I think that could be trouble. After all, you are using someone else's work without permission, right?
I started off with a toy channel, but realized it was not for me, cost and time wise. Cost really. However, being a newbie on YT trying to make it as a business and not just for fun as most YT creators say they did in the beginning, I switched to reading aloud---books. Not toy channel money but I enjoy it. However, I have reached the 10k views in order to get reviewed to be approved for monetization 2 weeks ago and no approval notice yet. I was told by another Youtuber that it's a storm brewing and channels are being thrown down the drain. 100k plus and maybe they are looking over all my uploads to make sure I am not next so to speak. Any advice, because clearly I haven't made a dime yet.

Do you have permission from the publishing companies to do what you're doing?

Unless you have permisison, your videos infringe on their copyright and you aren't entitled to earn anything.
Do you have permission from the publishing companies to do what you're doing?

Unless you have permisison, your videos infringe on their copyright and you aren't entitled to earn anything.
Wow. I had never thought about that, but you're right of course. Reading a copyrighted book and publishing the recording with a view to making money is probably no different to playing somebody else's music or singing somebody else's song. I guess I'd be pretty annoyed if I had written a book and then somebody else made money from reading it to the public on YouTube.
I started off with a toy channel, but realized it was not for me, cost and time wise. Cost really. However, being a newbie on YT trying to make it as a business and not just for fun as most YT creators say they did in the beginning, I switched to reading aloud---books. Not toy channel money but I enjoy it. However, I have reached the 10k views in order to get reviewed to be approved for monetization 2 weeks ago and no approval notice yet. I was told by another Youtuber that it's a storm brewing and channels are being thrown down the drain. 100k plus and maybe they are looking over all my uploads to make sure I am not next so to speak. Any advice, because clearly I haven't made a dime yet.

We looked at reading books as well. I was told it may be against copyright, because you are displaying work for public consumption. This was advise in Australia by a senior lecturer at a university in professional writing and editing course. When they read books on Play School, apparently they get copyright clearances from the publisher. That's what I have been told anyways. So we decided not to have that. It may be different in different countries and different publishers may have different views on this.

I think Yt's heading towards having only a limited number of approved and monetized channels in the kids space. Perhaps even collated to a certain degree. Major players like Family Fun Pack and ToysAneMe have been demonetized, while other have been permitted to operate, even though there is overlap in the types of videos, metadata and content. I think they have picked their winners already, who they favor for monetization in the kids pace, everyone else can still upload on guidelines, but likely not monetize.

If you have invested minimum in terms of $ and time, I'd say stay clear of the kids/toy area. The gold rush and hey day is over for 99.8% of channels. if you want to do it as a business, find a hungry niche willing to spend $ on upsells and cross-marketing. Two things hot right now are cryptocurrencies and dropshipping. For knowledgeable and hungry internet marketers, there are serious dollars to be made as affiliates, and of course in the actual businesses if you can operate them. Check out some of the channels in those spaces (and cross reference with their facebook groups). If I was starting, that's where I would focus on. Unless of course you have a wacky way-out personality, quirky friends, willing to annoy your neighbors and bust up stuff, and can run a channel like that, like some of the tops Ytbers, that seems to be highly profitable if it takes off.[DOUBLEPOST=1513718717,1513718183][/DOUBLEPOST]
Did you see Blippi channel? He found good way to presint educational material in funny form. May be his style will work for kids channels too.

Ye, but he is an adult acting in a childish way, which appears one of the no-nos in the new guidelines. Maybe it's only when an adult acts in a childish way when there are also kids in the video. But he has kids in his videos. I don't know, the guidelines are vague, it depends who Yt likes and who they don't like. Like Blippi has learning colors at a playground, some of the channels deleted also had learning colors at playgrounds. Go figure??
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