I agree that manual review is needed for the kids app. But 100 people would be nowhere near enough! It would be like trying to sweep sand off the beach. 300 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute! (source: ) Obv not all of those vids are kids videos but it gives you an idea of the scale of the problem. They'd need to employ a few thousand people at least and make the kids app PPV with maybe some sponsors to finance it. ^^
Latest update on Adpocalypse 2 - bullet points
YouTube is still under attack as it's the platform where the kids spend most of their online time.
- More than 270 accounts are terminated and over 150,000 videos are deleted.
- Over 50,000 channels are demonetized and ~2 million videos
- The list of advertisers pulling their advertisements off increases - Hewlett-Packard is one of the new ones.
- The strange search suggestions seems to be fixed.
- over 625,000 videos are with turned off comments because of predators.
- There were between 50,000 and 100,000 predatory accounts, no update if they are still there.
Yes I know that a hundred people wouldn`t be enough to review all the kids content, but that was kinda part of my point, don`t include automatically every single kid channel in the app, rather start having in it just the top clean channels (i.e. the ones that have contracts with Netflix and other streaming service so they are 100% safe) and build from that using manual reviews on smaller channels.
Then of course, if YT can/wants to invest in having more human reviewers to speed up the process, I`m all for it![]()
Thanks @Crown for the link. That's was one of my sources. I have some additional information regarding the terminated channels, the monetization statuses and more, but unfortunately as I wrote earlier in this thread, I am under NDA with YouTube, so I can't reveal any of it. That's why I cited only what's easily available online. Will update you with more bullet point information as soon as I have it or shall we create new topic Adpocalypse 2? (suggestion).
Thanks @Crown for the link. That's was one of my sources. I have some additional information regarding the terminated channels, the monetization statuses and more, but unfortunately as I wrote earlier in this thread, I am under NDA with YouTube, so I can't reveal any of it. That's why I cited only what's easily available online. Will update you with more bullet point information as soon as I have it or shall we create new topic Adpocalypse 2? (suggestion).
It's be a good start yeah. Positive reinforcement - Showing the benchmark of what is appropriate. But what about the other channels / vids? Are we saying the only place on Youtube that kids content should exist is on the kids app after manual review? And the rest get zapped / demonetized? It'd work but lol get the popcorn out for the push back. ^^
I am YouTube certified and I have access to some additional tools that normal YouTube accounts don't have, like CMS and ContentID, plus I have contact with big YouTubers, that also have CMS. Additionally I have reach to some parts of YouTube that I explicitly asked for them in the past, and YouTube enabled them for me after long discussions and convincing from my side. YouTube is much bigger than what most people think and even I was amazed to find that you can combine YouTube with IBM Aspera for mind-boggling amount of content delivery.Can you give some context to you NDA. Clearly, I'm not suggesting you violate your legal requirements, but were you in legal dispute with YT or did you work for YT in the past? Just trying to understand how/why you would have inside knowledge. I'm certainly not trying to start anything, it's just that there are a lot of rumours and I always like to have some idea of the source of my knowledge.![]()
Personally I think a fee would make more sense. You have to have at least 20 videos, and then you submit an application for a $100 fee, if your approved you can be shown on YT kids.I like this idea and in fact the creators themselves could be charged by taking an additional 1% of the revenue share to pay for review staff to ensure content is clean. A good example of what kids content should be is EvantubeHD. They set the bar high and then everyone else came in destroying the kids section. Youtube does have to take responsibility for letting this get out of hand. Many channels like babyteeth4 used to get a lot of views with good family friendly content. The algorithm killed them and because they were used to the money they turned to bad baby, creepy clowns, and inappropriate categories. A lot of channels rolled the dice in the name of money and boy are they paying the price now. Philip DeFranco did another good video on this issue today and included babyteeth4 as an example.