Gaming Youtube Collaboration (Xbox One)

I am looking for a YouTube Collaboration/ someone to record with. Here are the requirements:

1. 13-16 y/o
2. Very little background noise
3. Good mic
4. Skype (Optional)
5. GTA, Battlefield, or Forza
6. Xbox One
7. A youtube channel 25+ subs

Message me on twitter or xbox if you are interested.
GT: HuayraGP
Twitter: @HuayraGP
I am a fellow youtuber and would like a long time partnership with you my scype is n8doggaming plz respond
do you have xbox one as well or no[DOUBLEPOST=1463939799,1463939729][/DOUBLEPOST]Yo bro i want to collab with you on xbox one,games gta,bo3,minecraft if you want to collab Skype me My name is Deshade Hd and add me on xbox one as well Gamertag:xLocketx41
I don't meet the sub requirements, but I do meet all the others. I'm just looking for people to get started with, I have a few ideas for videos and I need other people to pull them together, I'm aslo starting my channel in the coming weeks so yeah, anyways thanks for the time and consideration