Your other question - when to use Adsense? You need to consider it in terms of your overall marketing strategy. What is your marketing plan? Do you have a marketing budget?

I have money save up and marketing plan to promote my charity projects and help those in need such as people who are not fortunate, YouTube channels and etc.
I have money save up and marketing plan to promote my charity projects and help those in need such as people who are not fortunate, YouTube channels and etc.
I'm don't mean to ask if you have money and what you use it for.
I mean you need to make a marketing plan if you want to run your channel as a business. In that case you need to allocate some startup cash to advertising, and then allocate a % of revenue to marketing. How much and if is up to you.
Have you tried uploading a video directly to FB? I'm wondering more about doing that and putting a watermark on the video that lists my YouTube channel name. I read (somewhere, can't remember where) that this is a decent strategy. I'm not sure if this is what people mean by a gateway video.

On Monday, our shelter's FB person uploaded one of my videos directly to FB (I didn't put a watermark) instead of a link to Vimeo or YouTube like we usually do. The shelter's FB page is huge - over 360,000 likes. We got over 16,000 views, 1100 likes and 456 shares. This afternoon when I go to the shelter, I'll work with the FB person to see if we can figure out some of the stats to determine how many people actually watched the video.

Even if I can't figure out how to get FB people to the YouTube channel, just having this much more engagement (with likes and shares) will be good for the shelter's efforts to get animals adopted or raise funds.
Yeah, That's true!
But also the Fb YouTube groups aren't that useful :/
Everyone just post there content but nobody checks it, they just post a link in that group and leave so ...
Yeah, That's true!
But also the Fb YouTube groups aren't that useful :/
Everyone just post there content but nobody checks it, they just post a link in that group and leave so ...
Exactly the same as G+communities - just dump a link everywhere you can then leave.[DOUBLEPOST=1470309256,1470308184][/DOUBLEPOST]
Have you tried uploading a video directly to FB? I'm wondering more about doing that and putting a watermark on the video that lists my YouTube channel name. I read (somewhere, can't remember where) that this is a decent strategy. I'm not sure if this is what people mean by a gateway video.

On Monday, our shelter's FB person uploaded one of my videos directly to FB (I didn't put a watermark) instead of a link to Vimeo or YouTube like we usually do. The shelter's FB page is huge - over 360,000 likes. We got over 16,000 views, 1100 likes and 456 shares. This afternoon when I go to the shelter, I'll work with the FB person to see if we can figure out some of the stats to determine how many people actually watched the video.

Even if I can't figure out how to get FB people to the YouTube channel, just having this much more engagement (with likes and shares) will be good for the shelter's efforts to get animals adopted or raise funds.
That's a good response you got. I think it's great to build awareness of a social cause.

But I'm looking at it from a purely business position. I don't want to upload natively to FB because of several reasons. It's extra work to duplicate the YT channel on FB. I have to re-render the videos and take out the YT end cards. That's the main reason.

Second is FB will not share revenue yet they earn revenue from ads they run along my videos. I morally (and financially) object to this.

Third, FB will not promote the videos to everyone who liked the page unless I pay them. That's double greedy on their part.

So I will do all that extra work for nothing. Likes and shares on FB don't mean anything, they don't pay the bills. The only benefit is getting that 1% traffic that clicks from FB to YT, so say I have 10,000,000 views on FB in a year (which is highly unlikely anyway unless you are well-know or a celebrity already).

At 1% traffic that's 100,000 views. At YT current pay rates, that's about $80. I'm just not prepared to work on FB for a whole year uploading and maintaining a video site for perhaps $80 revenue, when FB will earn $5,000 - $10,000 off ads running next to my content and keep all that to themselves!! (I'm of course assuming similar ad rates to YT).
Everyone just post there content but nobody checks it, they just post a link in that group and leave so ...
Depends on the group you use. If you are talking about so called promotion groups/communities you are right. These are crap. It's different with groups/communities where you have genuine interest and discussion about the content. It generally makes sense to check if posts actually get replies before you join a group/community.
Furthermore don't just drop your content there (treat others like you would like to be treated) but get involved in discussions there.
I remember using Facebook for advertising when i was selling stuff on eBay, I dont think i ever sold a single item to anybody from Facebook and my eBay views went up at a slower rate than what Facebook was claiming clicked on the link.

I remember one facebook claimed 200 people clicked on the advert but eBay only claimed 50 had seen the page.
My reasoning for having a blog/website is not so much to earn revenue from it, but it's to ensure that Google indexes the videos. Yes Google displays related videos in a google search, but those places are filled by top ranking channels, and we all know how hard it is to get to page 1 of Google.

If you have a page/post on your own domain name for every video you upload, and that page has a detailed description of the video (you can use your YT description, but change it around a little as Google hates duplicate content), that is much more long tailed keywords and all sorts of variations for Google to reference. So there's much more chance of your blog coming up as a result in search, even if not in the video section, then in the page section.

I also have Adsense on every page of the blog. I don't expect any revenue. But what it does is force the spider to regularly crawl the page to ensure the ads are relevant to what's on the page. If you don't have Adsense, it's much harder to get the google spider to crawl every page. (Little trick form my old internet marketing days with google sniper sites).

Your other question - when to use Adsense? You need to consider it in terms of your overall marketing strategy. What is your marketing plan? Do you have a marketing budget?[DOUBLEPOST=1470227055,1470226581][/DOUBLEPOST]

Ye those suggested slots are the holy grail. I'm no closer to figuring out how to get in there. Although I am adopting a targeting strategy will see if it works. There's a certain component of randomness to it (perhaps what seems like randomness is the algo giving all channels a chance). The algo rotates videos in and out, but it definitely seems you have to be in an authority tier to get a slot. We've only ever had 1 RTR slot for that 1 day, but we have had many slots in 200k-500k channels, and only 2-3 slots in 1m+ channels.

so i had a theory that if i got good search rank on a new toy like "thomas batcave" then I would appear in a lot of suggested of other channels when they eventually buy the same toy and upload their own thomas minis batcave playset. that was a fail. my batcave did really well for a couple weeks but hit its peak and is now at its lows. unfortunately it was only in the suggested section of only one thomas batcave toy video. so that doesn't work. it was a few thomas videos though. but in mostly small to medium sized channels. im beginning to think that getting a spot in the suggested is weighted more towards the instantaneous popularity of a video from first upload, and perhaps less weight on matching keyword combinations. popularity can be very organic and mercurial and perhaps dependent on timing, so im definitely having a hard time cracking the suggested section.
Part of me wants to say something about Youtubers and advertisers working together but that could either be totally brilliant or totally stupid. I acknowledge my ignorance on the subject.
My reasoning for having a blog/website is not so much to earn revenue from it, but it's to ensure that Google indexes the videos. Yes Google displays related videos in a google search, but those places are filled by top ranking channels, and we all know how hard it is to get to page 1 of Google.

If you have a page/post on your own domain name for every video you upload, and that page has a detailed description of the video (you can use your YT description, but change it around a little as Google hates duplicate content), that is much more long tailed keywords and all sorts of variations for Google to reference. So there's much more chance of your blog coming up as a result in search, even if not in the video section, then in the page section.

in the beginning I used to have a website. I used a CMS with blog tools and youtube plugins to make posting easier. and I was able to get favorable text from the blog, and video listings in search for certain keywords. so the plan definitely works. I remember getting top spots in google when a new Happy Meal toy came out and I made a video. and I used to have the #1 or #2 spot for "Hydro wheels colossus" (not anymore). it can compliment your views when you are small. but the views pale in comparison to what you can get from suggested section. if I treated my channel like a business where I am maximizing every percentile increase then I would continue with the website because its a good idea. but after i changed my channel name, and discovered is not available i kind of lost interest.