I Love YTtalk

Our Facebook fan page has 283 likes. Our last post reached 73 people. That's 26% reach. FB does not show our post to the other 74% of people who actually liked our page. Why? Facebook wants us to pay to reach those people.
Facebook wants me to pay $14 to reach 5,500 people. Mind you these will not be highly targeted, but simply people who have an interest in toys/games (what our fan page is about).
Out of those 5,500 I would expect no more than 1% to click to YouTube. (Actually 1% is highly optimistic, it will likely be 0.2-0.5%) Anyways, let's assume 1% click for a total of 55 clicks. So total cost to get 55 views is $14, or a CPC of 25 cents (In terms of CPC, the only clicks that count are the ones that result with the Facebooker going over to YouTube and viewing the video there).
Using Google Adwords, with a CPC set to 1 cent, I can reach 1,400 highly targeted viewers for the same $14. Moreover, I would expect Earned Views of between 20% and 50%, giving total views between 1700 and 2100. (Earned views from a Facebooker would be almost nothing - they left FB to go to YT to view a video, then they want to get back to Facebook, not view another video).
Another point to keep in mind: There's no guarantee that the viewers that FB promotes your post to would have a YT account. Hence there is less chance they click over, and less chance they will sub/like/comment. In Adwords, you can target viewers who have accounts, hence increasing the chance of interaction.
This is the simple reason to never pay for Facebook ads to build your YT channel.
One other thing: I have read that Facebook will give your post higher reach if it doesn't go directly to YT, but goes to your blog (where you would have your YT video embedded). I have as yet to test this out, as we are rebuilding our blog. I would be very surprised if the FB post would have more than 50% reach in that case anyways, so although a slight improvement, it's nothing to call home about.
If someone has actual stats, I am interested in learning what the reach is to a blog. Bottom line with Facebook, they want to keep people on Facebook viewing their own ads and earning money for Facebook (and not sharing with creators). That's why I highly doubt you can build or grow a YT channel with a FB strategy. I would love to be proven wrong, please share your stats!
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