Why do some people say Macs are better for editing?

Here is the thing you are missing, i only need one program to put my videos together, i use Adobe Premiere Pro, i dont need all the rest of the programs(some of which are complete garbage). So you can easily find great editing program from the choices available on PC. And quantity on Mac does not guarantee quality, half of the programs might not be able to accomplish what you need done. And then on top of that there is always that price that just makes the Mac overpriced for the components that it holds.[DOUBLEPOST=1375233150,1375233083][/DOUBLEPOST]
I dont doubt it, but the thing is you get what you pay for, and if you pay that much for a Mac (which is mainly praised for editing features) i expect some good editing software to be available.

Good editing software is available. Final Cut Pro 7, After Effects, Premiere Pro, Motion, Cinema 4D. What more do you want lol.
Good editing software is available. Final Cut Pro 7, After Effects, Premiere Pro, Motion, Cinema 4D. What more do you want lol.
That was my point, people buy Mac's for editing mainly and they expect the software to be there as well, because Mac's have so many choices it clearly is there. The thing is 3 out of the programs you mentioned are for sure PC/Mac compatible which goes to prove that PC is much better choice for the non-fanboys.
That was my point, people buy Mac's for editing mainly and they expect the software to be there as well, because Mac's have so many choices it clearly is there. The thing is 3 out of the programs you mentioned are for sure PC/Mac compatible which goes to prove that PC is much better choice for the non-fanboys.

I listed the popular ones, yes. Also, try your math again. I listed 5. But it's the same for Windows. Programs are the same on both, for the most part. Why does someone liking one OS make them a fanboy? Do you realize how asinine of a word that is? People have preferences. I like dogs more than cats. Does that make me a dog fanboy? Exactly. It's silly.
I listed the popular ones, yes. Also, try your math again. I listed 5. But it's the same for Windows. Programs are the same on both, for the most part. Why does someone liking one OS make them a fanboy? Do you realize how asinine of a word that is? People have preferences. I like dogs more than cats. Does that make me a dog fanboy? Exactly. It's silly.
Let me rephrase my entire argument, software is available on both PC and MAC. Liking the Mac OS does not make one a fanboy, but arguing that MAC's are better for editing does make some people fanboys. If the software is the same for Windows and Mac then what makes a better editing machine is the hardware used and the price. Take Adobe After Effects as an example, will it run on OS and Windows, the answer is yes. On windows if you have Core I7 processor your rendering will go very fast, on Mac to get that same performance you have to pay almost double for the same type of component. So my question is why would logically thinking people ever considering paying double for the componets in MAC's just for the name. If people like the Mac OS enough to buy a system for it than for those i suggest building a Hackingtosh, which is a custom build PC with the Operating System being the MAC OS.
Let me rephrase my entire argument, software is available on both PC and MAC. Liking the Mac OS does not make one a fanboy, but arguing that MAC's are better for editing does make some people fanboys. If the software is the same for Windows and Mac then what makes a better editing machine is the hardware used and the price. Take Adobe After Effects as an example, will it run on OS and Windows, the answer is yes. On windows if you have Core I7 processor your rendering will go very fast, on Mac to get that same performance you have to pay almost double for the same type of component. So my question is why would logically thinking people ever considering paying double for the componets in MAC's just for the name. If people like the Mac OS enough to buy a system for it than for those i suggest building a Hackingtosh, which is a custom build PC with the Operating System being the MAC OS.

I know what a Hackintosh is. And generally, to get comparable parts to an actual Mac, you pay the same if not more, than you would to buy a Mac. And again, you're stepping over the exclusive Mac software, perfectly making the argument in your favor so that it looks good but ignoring major factors as to why one operating system is better than the other. People like Macs because of the OS and the portability (90% of people here who have Macs have laptops (myself included) and a Hackintosh prevents that. But you'll try and twist this to fit your argument to fit your needs.
But you'll try and twist this to fit your argument to fit your needs.

Instead of arguing with other members, why don't you specifically
answer the original poster's question as to why one system is better
than another.

And since the OP has mentioned that it is for editing, discuss what
features you have found superior in certain programs that either
only work on certain systems or those systems handle them better.

If the OP is an entry-level editor, how does that change your response?
Instead of arguing with other members, why don't you specifically
answer the original poster's question as to why one system is better
than another.

And since the OP has mentioned that it is for editing, discuss what
features you have found superior in certain programs that either
only work on certain systems or those systems handle them better.

If the OP is an entry-level editor, how does that change your response?

I've already given my answers. On the first page. He decided to point out all these flaws so I decided to rebuttal them. Be a parent elsewhere.