Who Wants a Free Review?

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I'm new
What am I saying, all reviews should be free xD

Anyways, yes guys I will be doing a review for any channel, big or small. I will give you my honest opinion about your channel and if there's something that you should fix, I will try my best to help you out!

[Edited by staff]
could ]]]

hey bro could u review me
Hit me with ya best shot brother. And lol you got a lot of ppl to review
yeah man would love one
So Far so good. Here are a couple things that I have noticed...
  • Each video clip looks high in quality so that's a plus
  • Your YouTube Banner looks kind of dull, so what I would do is have a collage of all of your favorite artists/songs and have your channel name in the middle. Also mention when you will be uploading as well on the banner.
  • I would also suggest commentary. Give a little bit of a description on what you will be reviewing and what you will be including / not including (ex: I will be reviewing really bad video games. I will not be including games that are meant to have really crummy game play or the games that are so bad it's hilarious so Goat Simulator will not be in this countdown)
I made a few good changes from the last review I got, so yes please for a fresh perspective.

Okay so before I get started review. I just want to say that I have check out three videos of yours: "7 things star wars 7 didnt explain", "This is how scammers attack you on Facebook", and "Some Big Problems with Batman vs Superman..."

  • Your videos are very informative; especially the Facebook Scam one
  • Clear audio
  • Your videos go up to 720p so that's good
  • Adding clips and footage to back up your statement is a plus!
Cons that can be easily fixed:
  • The titles of your videos are grammatically incorrect. Since it's a title, everything but conjunctions should be capitalized. This is very important because it looks a lot more professional
  • Your thumbnails may need some work. Use a more exciting font and add some effects to the background. I made my thumbnails sorta similar to each other so people won't take my thumbnail and claim it as theirs. I would recommend you to always put your name on your thumbnails so no one can steal yours.
  • Tone of voice: Be more exciting/ aggressive! Show what you mean when you are angry about Lex Luthor looking like a *****. Showing excitement gives a positive attitude to your viewers. If you are nervous or scared, just remember that (unless if you are live streaming) no one can see you record. We will be able to see your video until you click that publish button.
I would love one on my new video on my new channel! The video is down below, would mean a lot if you were able to review this one!

Very awesome video. I have enjoyed every minute of it!

Here are some pros and cons/suggestions I have noticed:

  • Very funny and Well scripted
  • Video is not too long/not too short
  • Made very clear points; not just you rambling about one sub topic
  • I would recommend you to have a animation or picture of you as your channel icon. I feel like having video game characters are too generic. I know someone that can give you a channel icon for free (if not then for a very cheap price). Just Direct Message me on YouTube and I will see what I can do.
  • Social Media is very important. Yes, it's annoying to keep updating your status/tweets, but viewers would like to know, when the next video is coming/ your daily life. If you already have a twitter, make sure you mention it on your YouTube cover and your outro
  • Some people have commented on your video. Please, please, PLEASE! make sure you comment back. The worst feeling of being a viewer is when you are being ignored by the subscribee. And I know YouTube can be a pain sometimes by not letting you comment back but in your next video, make sure you include them and answer their questions if they have any.

So far so good! I have subbed to your channel. I hope to see more!
yeah I'd like the review bro.

Here are my pros and con/suggestions

  • You have made improvement when being in front of the camera (showing more enthusiasm)
  • Your thumbnails and cover are great
  • You Advertise your social media (very important)
  • Your commentary audio is not that bad, however it could improve as well. There are some cheap/great quality mics out there. One I recommend to many starting channels is Microsoft Lifechat lx-3000 and it only costs $15-$30 (depending where you get it and if its new or used. I had that and I've enjoyed it until I've decided to upgrade.
  • Try playing other games as well. Playing one game and one game only is pretty risky through out your YouTube years. There are many free games out there, especially for PC. If you need a screen recorder, I recommend OBS (it's free).
  • There are a couple of times where you don't say anything while you are playing the game. That's okay, I do the same thing. However, I would recommend you to edit those parts out of the video. Only have clips of where you speak.
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