New Member
It would be easier to post this "transcript" but i can post link to video if requested/allowed.
HELLO , YOU-TUBE. John from England here.
I just wanted to make a real quick video about YouTube and How despite only having a account that started uploading this year. They have just issued me my first community strike for... NO REASON At All.
The strike was issued, apparently, because I put in the description of a playlist - viewer digression advised 18+. Literally about 10 seconds later i received a YouTube notification telling me i had broken a community strike. The play list was called "Mature Content, sorry kids". IT had No videos. let me say that again. NO Video or videos in at all. Not one. I was not planning on posting any adult material or violence, that they would consider a breach of Terms and conditions. It is outrageous how they treat small or new users to YouTube. And giving me it for that reason is beyond pathetic. Nobody could see the playlist. Not even me. Try it. Create a playlist, but do not add a video too it. Then add that playlist into the playlists that appear on your channel. It will not show up. They are not visible if there is not content.
So one last quick rant and round-up.
I have been uploading only since January 2017. I was organizing my channel and renaming my playlists. I wanted to add some videos in the future that may contain language that was best suited to those above the age of 18. I gave my already previously created album. Titled. Mature content ,sorry kids. A description instead of leaving it blank.I typed in a description.The description read. viewer discretion advised 18 +. - Within 10 to 15 seconds I received a community strike for giving a empty playlist that nobody except myself could see, a 6 word description. And even if they could I only have 13 subscribers, who did they think was going to watch the video that did not exist in the playlist that they couldn't see. Has this happened to you? Did you get it resolved?
My final though is - YouTube acted like a "pre crime" prevention team or something. Striking me before i acted. Bang out of order. and totally undeserved in my opinion, am I wrong ?
I am not plugging for views and subs, i have a legitimate question if people believe this is fair ? Who is in the wrong ?
HELLO , YOU-TUBE. John from England here.
I just wanted to make a real quick video about YouTube and How despite only having a account that started uploading this year. They have just issued me my first community strike for... NO REASON At All.
The strike was issued, apparently, because I put in the description of a playlist - viewer digression advised 18+. Literally about 10 seconds later i received a YouTube notification telling me i had broken a community strike. The play list was called "Mature Content, sorry kids". IT had No videos. let me say that again. NO Video or videos in at all. Not one. I was not planning on posting any adult material or violence, that they would consider a breach of Terms and conditions. It is outrageous how they treat small or new users to YouTube. And giving me it for that reason is beyond pathetic. Nobody could see the playlist. Not even me. Try it. Create a playlist, but do not add a video too it. Then add that playlist into the playlists that appear on your channel. It will not show up. They are not visible if there is not content.
So one last quick rant and round-up.
I have been uploading only since January 2017. I was organizing my channel and renaming my playlists. I wanted to add some videos in the future that may contain language that was best suited to those above the age of 18. I gave my already previously created album. Titled. Mature content ,sorry kids. A description instead of leaving it blank.I typed in a description.The description read. viewer discretion advised 18 +. - Within 10 to 15 seconds I received a community strike for giving a empty playlist that nobody except myself could see, a 6 word description. And even if they could I only have 13 subscribers, who did they think was going to watch the video that did not exist in the playlist that they couldn't see. Has this happened to you? Did you get it resolved?
My final though is - YouTube acted like a "pre crime" prevention team or something. Striking me before i acted. Bang out of order. and totally undeserved in my opinion, am I wrong ?
I am not plugging for views and subs, i have a legitimate question if people believe this is fair ? Who is in the wrong ?