When your channel is a baby


Active Member
What issues you cone across in your journeys to grow your channel? How have you gain support through it. I know when trying to establish yourself it can be discouraging. The issues i am having is trying to reach my target audience
The biggest issue for me was finding confidence in making good videos. I thought my videos wouldn't be good enough to get the type of attention as larger YouTubers receive. As I continue to improve my videos, that thought quickly went on the window.

Fortunately, growing an audience was never a huge trouble for me. I prepared ahead of time making sure I had a plan of action when it came to growing my channel. So far so good.
The biggest issue for me was finding confidence in making goood videos. I thought my videos wouldn't be good enough to get the type of attention as larger YouTubers receive. As I continue to improve my videos, that thought quickly went on the window.

Fortunately, growing an audience was never a huge trouble for me. I prepared ahead of time making sure I had a plan of action when it came to growing my channel. So far so good.

Omg your channel is super cute, very unique, i had to subscribe just know, i understand confidence issues, i have that issue now, i just put it in the back of my mind
Biggest issues I've came across was just being able to get people to watch my videos. It can be discouraging gaining views and subs from the ground up when you feel your content is at least decent enough to watch. Hardest part for me is just about getting the word out and promoting my videos. Been discouraged enough that I just stopped uploaded for 5 months cause my channel wasn't growing. I recently posted a new video a couple days ago but I just hope something happens eventually.
Biggest issues I've came across was just being able to get people to watch my videos. It can be discouraging gaining views and subs from the ground up when you feel your content is at least decent enough to watch. Hardest part for me is just about getting the word out and promoting my videos. Been discouraged enough that I just stopped uploaded for 5 months cause my channel wasn't growing. I recently posted a new video a couple days ago but I just hope something happens eventually.

Just don't give up, keep going, shoulda woulda, coulda is a bad state to live in
i guess i just have a different motive for making videos. i'm not really looking to get "huge" or to grow super fast, so i don't really get discouraged about stuff like that. i want my channel to be a safe place for anyone that finds it, and like, a place to share opinions and have conversations. somewhere that people can come to to not feel so alone in the world. i think the universe will bring those who need to see things i have to say onto my channel :)
We've been at this for a month. In all honesty with analytics and numbers so easily at your finger tips it can be easy to be discouraged that you didnt receive another subscriber, or that your view count is low. Ultimately enjoy the journey. In one month I am significantly more confident in front of the camera AND.... hopefully our videos are better as well. Its a process of working towards whatever your goal is.
i guess i just haUve a different motive for making videos. i'm not really looking to get "huge" or to grow super fast, so i don't really get discouraged about stuff like that. i want my channel to be a safe place for anyone that finds it, and like, a place to share opinions and have conversations. somewhere that people can come to to not feel so alone in the world. i think the universe will bring those who need to see things i have to say onto my channel :)

I agree, PhotoGrid_1472766530003.jpg PhotoGrid_1472766530003.jpg
Finding the courage to put my stuff out there. I was scared to see what people would think of me and my friends lol.